I am no expert (on anything in particular).... though I have worked in "health care for over 40 years. The thing that occurs to me, this, being as I understand it, a "new" form of virus - nobody is actually an expert. Granted there are those that have spent their careers and academic life, studying such things; so they can make some "educated" guesses, and perhaps more substantiated claims (as they study the live virus, those afflicted, and examine the remains of those, for whom the virus proves to be fatal).
Still what I'd submit to be possible about "experts" in general is, they may well be motivated to protect their "status" as an expert. As such, to say "I don't know..." may be conspicuously absent from their discourse. I get, that due to the virulent nature of this virus - a range of fear is then triggered, far and wide. It's hard to imagine that there might be those that have little or no awareness of the current pandemic - but I suppose that there are. It also occurs to me that there are those, in parts of the world for whom all day everyday, they live (and die) with the threat of disease, petulance etc. - so if they now know of this one, it might just be another one to add to the list - no more or less significant, than the rest.
I can't help but wonder if the attention and focus this is being given by the "Western world," is because it has affected western civilization (lives, economies, future security etc.) There has seldom if ever, been a response such as this, to outbreaks that are "isolated" to other parts of the planet.
Consequently we are told to follow the guidance of "the experts." I understand due diligence. I also understand that all day everyday, there exists the pathogens to infect and lay out any of us. It therefore behooves each to employ self-care. History is rife with claims from experts, "thalidomide" was championed by "experts." "Experts" laid claims to the safety of smoking cigarettes - claims that of course have since been laid to waste. Sure there's a call for "social" responsibility - but even in the absence of pandemic, there are those that perceive there is infection lurking around ever corner - I'm not about to live my life from a place of unbridled and unsubstantiated fear.
I will give you your "social distance" on the street and will not, dwell on 24 hr. news broadcasts bleating endlessly about every nuance of this situation (real and imagined). It's their job to fill air space. My view is that, if these "journalists" & broadcasters were interested in just keeping people abreast with the facts - there'd be far less melodrama and a great deal more supportive presence to, lessen rather than feed people's fears.
Double standards (at least) are rampant.. As I said, I work in health care. That currently involves visiting people in their homes, to provide them the support they need. While it is heart-warming to witness the community rallying to support "front-line" workers; that "same support," will not offer the measures of protection that are being suggested, offered, advocated, mandated etc. for the majority of the population. Beyond an oral assessment (to determine any new "symptoms" - I can't know where the people I visit, have been; who or what they have been in contact with. I suppose the local grocery stores are going to greater lengths to "protect" people. Having pointed that out - beyond what I can reasonably do, to maintain my health/wellness, I will either get the virus or I won't, I don't believe much of what is going on in the world will change that. I believe that to be true for anyone - even if they follow all the protocols to the letter (which I deem as being largely impossible as they are constantly changing and/or being interpreted vastly differently.
In truth my general wellness is the only thing, that stands between me and contracting the virus or not. I'm a "hero" if I show up to do this job, but if I go out in the world for any other reason - I'm a social pariah... (this doesn't wash with me)...
I do the job because I care about people. I also care about myself. If I felt I was threatened (with virus related matters or otherwise) I will do what I deem necessary, to take care of myself. Freedom of choice prevails. An employer, a health "authority" a political leader, can mandate all they want - it doesn't curtail ones freedom of choice.
Discernment and personal guidance, values and judgements continue to be necessary in the face of any and all events facing humanity. Political leaders all day, everyday, make decisions that do not represent what's best for the majority (why would anyone now think, they can be blindly trusted) - their policies mandate poverty, environmental destruction, war etc. At times "fear" of the unknown encroaches upon my peace of mind (at other times I just carry on realizing there is always more unknown to me than known & always will be) - I am not willing to surrender my autonomy to fear.
Given the amount of unknowns in this present pandemic .... that raises the possibility that what is being hammered as public policy has the potential to be "mis-information." Well and good "err on the side of caution," but don't spread information regarding ones continued infectious status as being active when the test result only validates they were in contact with the virus (and are not "contagious").
There are innumerable precedence throughout history of "false-flag" attacks, propaganda ... mass-manipulation - all created to sway public opinion to make the horrific and reprehensible palatable.
The frightening thing about some of these initiatives is that the manipulation is so thorough and complete it no longer needs to be enforced entirely through political/military means your next door neighbour buys in so completely that they will "police" these policies.
Again there are numerous examples whereby (as author Naomi Klein coined in her book "Shock Doctrine") either through "natural disaster" or the devastation of war, a country is thrown into utter chaos .... then what previously would have been absolutely unthinkable and unacceptable measures are introduced as they "represent" order, "security" etc.
Now we are being presented with the prospect of the unraveling of the global economy.." While there are those behind the scenes "working around the clock" to produce the miracle vaccine...
The whole thing stinks to high heaven as far as I'm concerned!!
Governments sanction alcohol use, dozens upon dozens of pharmacological medications that are toxic and have questionable efficacy, industries are allowed to continue to pollute and destroy the environment unfettered and without liability, the typical North American diet is shit!!! Immune deficiency is being manufactured and orchestrated with government and "Corporate America" white washing, bank-rolling and acting with complete impunity.
Watch the dodgy legislation springing up now that we are "in crisis..." Just as 9-11 gave birth to thousands of pages of "homeland security" (which I understand was already written up before the towers went down).... The Canadian government already created "emergency legislation" to affective implement whatever they want without the need for debate. There goes another spoke from the wheel of "democracy." When the "crisis" is over - will the legislation be removed? Will the other parties even push for it to be so.... Given they all in their minds believe they will be the next to take over the helm - they might just want to maintain that unilateral control.
As I indicated I will respect "the boundaries of others" while fully maintaining my belief that my life is supported and guided by powers far beyond this earthbound song and dance. (I happen to believe that is meant to be true for anyone) which doesn't mean they will allow themselves to live it.
History is also replete with many individuals and groups of people that didn't succumb to the fear-mongering of the powers-that-be or to those of their contemporaries and peers. As this time (from the perspective of the Christian calendar) is the "Easter weekend" today being the day after Yeshua (Jesus) was said to have been crucified) I look to the many examples of those that followed their own guidance.... Jesus himself, his Mother (Mary), Mary Magdalene (perhaps those that tried to carry on his teachings) none of which aligned with the status quo - Jesus was put to death for his lack of compliance - but what he taught lives on (for me, it has direct application now during these times .. while fear runs high, and there are those that clamber for absolute power...) they have nothing that is not given to them...
Mother Teresa, Francis & Clare (of Assisi) all did their work often outside the bounds of the "establishment.." they worked directly with the lepers ... loving them and caring for them (they weren't running around hoarding toilet paper and waiting to get in line at the Pharma-save for the next round of vaccines)
Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Brigit, Teresa of Avila, the list goes on and on..... ordinary people that left extraordinary legacies by refusing to comply to convention and the misuse of power.
If you're reading this and asking, "who am I to be speaking as though I might be cut from the same cloth as any of the afore mentioned?" I'm glad you asked!! Anyone of them, I'm quite sure would first of all say of themselves, that they are nothing extraordinary ... They would then go on to say, that you too, are made of exactly the same qualities... The choice is in your hands...
Victor Frankl (Neurologist and Psychiatrist) and POW (Nazi concentration camp) survivor had this to say:
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."
R. O'Neill (April 11, 2020)