The longer this Covid 19 circus plays out across international stages, the higher the volume of masks littering the landscape becomes. Lets for now, forget about unreliable testing, conflated numbers, used to report "new cases," and fatalities, dodgy preliminary reports of panacea vaccines, fascist corporate cartels etc.
Instead lets consider the environmental degradation that is occurring with these masks piling up everywhere. How long before they wind up in waterways entangling water fowl, and other aquatic beings. Synthetic fabrics and materials adding to the toxicity of water, incrementally compromising its ability to sustain life. What of other beings from within the web of life, that become ensnared in discarded mask straps, or ingest the wretched things? Even if they were being "disposed" of properly (which clearly they are not) if the premise is, these masks prevent the virus from entering ones airway, then by the time they are pitched in the streets, they must be highly concentrated with particulates of God knows what!
As the only ones that are advocating these face diapers are agencies and organizations, that have so many ties to, and conflicts of interest with, corporate interests and their government puppets - it becomes increasingly evident that the campaign has nothing to do with well-being (as the only ones benefiting from masks are those that are making them and selling them). Missing from any of these "health authorities" is any information pertaining to, the bolstering of the immune system, lifestyle revisions that would improve quality of life for some, lessen compromising immunity for still others. Where is anything representing the power of prayer and meditation for well-being? No the magic bullet, is said to only come in the form of, an experimental vaccine, that will turn humans, in to sanctioned lab rats. But of course the "economy" is far more important than wellness or personal freedom and autonomy - never mind ethics or morality. (But no - no ..... lest we forget - how could we?? with the 24/7 propagandists brain-washing; touting "science.." as the un-sung heroes, toiling thanklessly to save the world...
The mask will do nothing more for your wellness, than your shopping addiction, that which, so many are clambering to feed; by buying more masks, so you can go to the mall, to buy more crap you don't need. The same addictions that existed pre-"pandemic," that enslave thousands of people in sweat-shop labour, to feed the insatiable appetites, of designer label junkies, while countless others, remain in poverty and a opioid crisis rages unchecked.
The economy is based on unsustainable models of exponential growth, that rely on finite resources that are being extracted from the planet; that not only sustains our lives, but all living beings. This unchecked consumption, is the threat to our existence. Unregulated production of goods, chemical products, genetically modified foods; the myopic health system's, administration of toxic substances, with horrific side effects, adverse reactions and significant mortality rates, are ignored (in fact legislation and policies are drafted to pave their way). Nothing of this is, is seen as suspect, viewed as the smoking gun, or in any way implicated to a decreasing "quality of life" and wellness.
No! Give us masks and vaccines so we can "return to normal." The problem is "Normal" is: lives addicted to consumption and distraction. "Normal" sees an enemy around ever corner (if one doesn't, exist it will create one). "Normal" is part of a paradigm, that created the "those with the most toys at the end of the game wins." They already have everything money can buy - what's left? Nothing, but the comic book crowning achievement, of "world domination."
Ask many of those that suffer from mental illness (the number of which is mounting hourly) how much if any, has the Pharmaceutical industry eased their suffering (never mind a "cure.") Inquire of someone (and there are millions) that are living with a cavalcade of adverse reactions, from a primary medication (or half a dozen) and wind up on dozens more, to mitigate the suffering of the side effects. Class actions suits for wrongful death, knowingly repressing pertinent drug information, that would allow for "informed consent" are seen by the industry, as just the cost, of doing business. Consider all of this and more, and then tell me, you really believe, the "authorities and the experts" - have your back!!?
To paraphrase George Carlin these "elites" are members of a very exclusive club, and you ain't on the fucking guest list... and you never will be. Now might be a good time to consider this, and consider it carefully, before they open their world wide Kool-aid stands!!
R. O'Neill (November 24, 2020)