Of course this whole idea of "intelligence" as assessed and determined by the "public education system;" offers a skewed/distorted perspective at best. Much like the analogy of a fish being assessed as a lousy monkey, because; despite it's gills and fins, it can't climb a tree. This system is designed to have it's participants regurgitate a predetermined body of information (not even truth) and then grades each on their ability to do so.
There was a time when I was stellar at "memorization." Then somewhere in the scheme of things I lost interest. As far as I could see, no one cared about what I was good at - or was interested in. Somehow, I then placed myself, on the fast track to "who gives a shit?"
I certainly can't hold the school system responsible for the outcomes in my life; or all of the "belief systems" I adopted. Certainly there was more operating than just my overall impression of the lack of relevance, I was being force fed. Then again as the old saying goes: "you can lead Rob to "education" but you can't make him learn." Oh I learned all kinds of stuff - much of it just didn't happen to be on the "approved curriculum." I also for reasons of my own (naturally) - didn't create a viable alternative so I just half-assed my way through.
Stories abound, about different individuals that were vastly successful in different fields of pursuit despite a "poor academic performance." It's safe bet I'm not going to be the next Gates or Jobs; as I said, I concede victory to my phone; so I'm not likely to develop the "new and improved" line of technology. The phone is apt to be dead, broken, or lost, long before I ever achieve "mastery" of it's various functions. Actually on those occasions when I've been looking to replace a previous phone; pretty much as soon as the sales rep opens his or her mouth (to me, it's just like Charlie Brown's teacher, "Waugh waugh waugh...... waugh waugh") the "cutting edge" doesn't compel me.
I like the "smart phone" keyboard - but then, I fancy myself a writer. Of course the recipients of my "messages," might wish I had an old flip-phone; requiring me to toggle through the keys in order to get each letter - chances are my text would be shorter! Actually more likely I would bury, said phone at sea! Conversely, I could care less about "scanning my retina" or fingerprint access. For the love of God, I just want to make a quick call!
I suppose what I had running was a combination of; a sense of futility in school, but no clear path or confidence to create an alternative; of course, I'm not done yet. I suppose one way of defining; at least some of my life journey, would be an ongoing quest, to expand my self-assurance, in order to step beyond the boxes of conformity.
Having said that, I can't maintain a victim stance with regard to the "boxes" I perceive, contain me. Even if someone suggests or imposes a box - I'd have to continue to agree to reside there - so then, who's box is that? (hmm!)
I suppose various people, have a wide variety of "banks to their river;" even those that fancy themselves such, "free-spirits." They might cite some version of : "oh, that's just some of my little idiosyncrasies." Not for a minute, am I suggesting this is a bad thing. My experience seems to suggest, that if one goes about dismantling too many of their banks, to soon - the immediate swelling of the river, can be experienced on a spectrum anywhere from exhilarating to rather overwhelming! So no one else should be dictating the rate at which another goes about seeking such expansion.
There are people that are absolutely brilliant at various things that the "education system" doesn't even acknowledge or recognize. I suppose if your lucky you might be blessed with one of those exceptional teachers that is interested in bringing out the best in individuals. There have been many movies made of these teacher/cum heroes, that bucked the "system" to teach outside the curriculum or the standardized teaching strategies. In these instances students that were deemed incorrigible, chronic under-achievers, were guided to reveal their shining star.
Why are these "stories" the exception rather than the rule? How can it possibly be acceptable to continue to support a system that sets up so many individuals to fail? As a society, why wouldn't "we" look to create learning environments that encourage "success." I'm not talking about something that coddles and carries. I'm certainly not advocating anything that continues to uphold dualistic (i.e. winning/losing mindsets) - in fact if I were to take a stand, I would say I renounce these paradigms entirely.
It's all well and good in sporting events etc. (as far as such contests go) to conclude the competition with a "winner" and "loser." I believe the disproportionate status of assigning value to winning doesn't serve; it most certainly does not, where "learning" environments are concerned.
If someone spends a large portion of their school "career" struggling to jump through the hoops of that system; by the time they complete (or wash out) their view of themselves might not be conducive to "taking the world by storm." I would suggest that the "cost"to society is significant. To begin with, all those that "fall through the cracks" might spend as much time (or more) mitigating their pain than creating a thriving life.
Why is there more concern for "dwindling natural resources than people;" perhaps a better question is, why is the net not more broadly cast, to include all human life, as being part of these "resources?" We then insist on the maximization of the potential for everyone - no one is left behind; I suppose, unless they choose to be. Mind you, if people were given the impression that they are going to be directed to the path, whereby, they can best use their strengths and gifts, why would they opt to give up? Quit pounding people over the head with standardized (blah..blah..blah) the "collateral damage" (though not thought of in these terms) is not an acceptable trade-off.
Of course there are those that enter school with pre-existing traumas and challenges - I'm not saying that the school system is solely responsible, for the infliction of trauma. I believe they could adhere less to the paradigm of pass/fail, one size fits all and do more for those that "fall;" rather than accept this as some form of "natural selection." I also believe they could play a far more active role in assessing the needs of everyone and then being the conduit through which people access an optimal, (for them) situation. "Alternative" varieties for education models etc. should be made "publicly accessible" - further barriers (such as finances) should not exist which thereby make these "speciality" environments, inaccessible. Investing in people sooner than later, would inevitably pay dividends in the long run. (despite the financially attuned language, I don't intend to equate humanity only along monetary lines - nor do I wish to ignore it's relative importance in our modern world).
When human value attains a more universally accepted prominence above "market value," there would be a quantum leap in the evolution of humanity.