"Only the shadow knows...."
Knows what?
That it can
Be profoundly influential
Without an awareness
"It" actually exists..
The discovery
Coming out from
Behind the shadow
Is not easy
First of all
Because of
It's unconscious nature
Beyond that
As awareness deepens
That which is revealed
Isn't necessarily
That which
Will be revelled in
Not necessarily
On one's
Tell me
a little about yourself
A useful distinction
Is awareness
By taking responsibility
Without an ongoing
Identifying with
What is then
If self-admonishment
Becomes activated
That in itself
Might be considered
In the light of
It must be considered
To consider oneself
Limited by these
Shadow aspects
and certainly
There are
Further shadow elements
In operation
If one considers themselves
Superior to anyone
That hasn't undertaken
This self-examination
And claims of
"The Unconsciousness" in others
Claimed specialness
More an invitation
To seek further
The shadow
Than any true
Nobody is of
More (or less)
Value to Humanity
What is gained
By upholding
These shadow ways of being?
What is
In it for you
If you insist
You see more of
Me, than I can see
of myself?
Just as likely
Avoidance of self
In claiming to see
It would take
Someone that has
Very thoroughly
Looked at
Their own shadow
To be able to
Truly see another
Without imprinted themselves
Upon what the "see."
It's pretentious
To believe
You know better
Someone else's journey
It is arrogant
And invasive
To impose your
Unsolicited "views"
On anyone else
Each ought to be
The dignity
Of their own journey
Even an accurate
Could potentially
Do more harm
Than good
If imposed
Before it's
Words to live by
Might include
If your view
Wasn't invited
Then your view
Wasn't invited....
R. O'Neill (September 30, 2017)