At the face of that, who can dispute it?
Certainly more unknown than not, a fact that will remained unchanged, no matter how much one "learns." Disclaim that within, you're kidding yourself. Proclaim it or imply it, in your writing, marketing, posting etc. could be seen, as attempting to mislead others. Of course it's up to each, as to whether or not they "buy" into anything. "Buyer beware," doesn't exonerate those that presume to lead, but are misguided or erroneous - it does point out the need for discernment by the "consumer," however, there is the question of whether others are lead down the garden path (as the adage goes.. "Do no harm..")
Now, without any need to go down the path, regarding those that would intentionally mislead for personal gain; generously; one could consider from an open mind that, more than not, stand in what they believe, present it accordingly, as that, which will be authentically beneficial to others. In other words they think they offer something useful.
Our economy and society is not necessarily founded on such a foundation & sound under-pinning. When I consider my navigation through my life, I suppose I could make a sweeping summation and observance of, a great deal of "trial and error." It's not even entirely necessary to label it "error," it was either directed toward a particular need or needs (with greater or lesser effectiveness) had worked for some period of time (until it was found to no longer be true). All my choices have been mine to make, the only provision being, that the consequences were mine to reckon with too.
I suppose that collectively: society, regionally, nationally - it's not that much different. Consequences may well play out on a larger stage and be exponentially more dramatic, but much of the misinformation, erroneous beliefs and even marked unconsciousness are the same. Interpersonally, I don't believe that groups of people, can be beat over the head, to change their beliefs The same could be said to be true for me (nor is that an effective way to address the need for change)... Nobody is going to embrace change, until they have come to a place of reckoning within themselves, that the time is nigh. Trying to enforce change, will only result in a half-hearted compliance, along with a mounting resentment and corresponding backlash. In this regard, lasting change will be thwarted in favour of a seeking of "freedom" - through what might amount to, self-defeating behaviour, sabotage and out and out rebellion.
Many of the facets of the "economy" are comprised of enterprises, that might claim to be life sustaining in the short term (i.e. they provided "jobs") but the industries themselves, when considered from a broader perspective, are generating income (for someone) providing wages, that no one can live on & placing undue strain on the environment, and the state of the world. They continue to be given the blessing to be, only on their contribution to economic merit. In a society that "values" work above the sustainability of land and water; that Dollar store job, is seen as more valuable than someone that rallies to try and impress on "the powers that be" a preference to preserve natural reserves, rather than continue to exploit them for profit.
Corporate newspapers will print the letter questioning the employment status of someone that chooses to support a global cause and won't give equal voice to the person doing the supporting (without some accompanying ink to discredit it). Nobody knows if someone has taken the time off work, or from their personal business - the sweeping assumption is made "go to work, good" protest injustice bad.. Who's to say that someone formerly employed, doesn't reach the tipping point within themselves and quits their dead-end job, and decides to participate in something that is more meaningful to them.
Who's business is that?
It should be up to the individual, but of course, there are no shortage of people miserable in their own choices that - won't feel any better if more join them in their misery, however self-righteousness, will reach new heights, if everyone isn't as miserable and unfulfilled as they are.
The "spiritual journey" which is life itself, working its way through everyone (whether you wrap yourself in any form of spiritual persona or not) - the real test of your mettle, will come when whatever you choose (doesn't align with the accepted "norm")...
If you are looking for the blessing of virtually anyone - with your choices, you will be vastly delayed or vastly disappointed. It doesn't matter if what you are choosing, for yourself, you yourself identify as being directly significant, to your quality of life (maybe even you're continuing to live) - there will always be those, that want to drag you back to their way of being (which may have been your way - but you've decided, no longer!!) "This is how it is..," "it's always been this way," "everybody knows that......" "oh come on, live a little.." "one won't hurt ya," "everything in moderation right..."
WRONG!!!!!!!!! A moderate amount of arsenic will kill you ... moderately quickly!! Much of the modern commercially available "food chain," is nothing more than suicide on the instalment plan (& it's entirely legal to keep right on producing it, marketing it and selling it - even to your children)..
You can't moderate Wrong.... and those that keep the moderation myth alive, are those that are masters of manipulation and psychological leveraging, through which they continue to make enormous profit... They don't even need to keep spending money on advertising after a certain point, ... because John and Joanne Q. Public, keep on harping the erroneous propaganda into continued existence; all the while, killing themselves working, to pay for the lifestyle, that is killing them and life all over the planet. But just as long as it's okay with the Jones's - let's all carry right along!
I've been manipulated and I have been the manipulator.... Enough!
I can forgive my own ignorance and "best I could do with the information I had at the time.." I can extend that to "live and let live" and give other carte blanche to participate in their own ignorance.
Just keep your ignorance out of my business.
R. O'Neill (February 21, 2020)