If you are at all like me, and your "spiritual" exploration/development, personal growth/healing has involved the trolling of bookshelves that bring those matters in print to your attention, then you've heard of Robin Sharma (a.k.a - "The Monk That Sold His Ferrari...")
Over the last 5 years I have been the owner and rider of a 2002 Harley Davidson Softtail Nighttrain motorcycle (which I was informed earlier today, sold at an auction). It was a journey of its own last week when half-way through my one week up-island vacation, I rode back to town on the bus (an approx. 2hr trip) to pick up the motorcycle and ride it back more or less the same distance, the same day - in order to place it in the hands of the auction house for this weekend's auction.
I was reminded of Sharma's book, by this personal saga of my own. I have indeed written a book, I also now have just let go of what for some, would be a coveted material possession. Though that would be where the similarities between Sharma and I end (as far as I know) - though the last picture I saw of him illustrated we both have parted with our hair (me 15+ years ago, as my hair began parting me, rather than me it.... I wouldn't know when, where, how or why Sharma made his "hairstyle choice.")
Am I a "Monk" before, during or after my sojourn with the motorcycle? I make no such claim. I also didn't nor don't claim to have been a "biker" by virtue of having owned the motorcycle. I have tattoos and piercings (many of which I had before owning the motorcycle). Needless to say, human inclination to over -simplify and categorize would have different people create different stories, based on observing the afore mentioned choices.
If anything media and politically driven pigeon-holing and derisive/divisive labeling has only worsened over the last few years - so the "boxes" that are available to further subdivide and label one have expanded exponentially. And maybe never, has there been a time when it is more important that one "know thyself!"
I feel a great sense of relief the motorcycle is gone now. The novelty was wearing thin. I satisfied my desire and curiosity to "own" a Harley. But as time advanced, I was less willing to have my day to day life centre around this rather pricey mode of transportation (albeit purchased used). I never "identified" with it, though I admittedly got a little kick out of it from time to time when someone complemented the bike. That said, as is true of anything externally located, the impact on one's inner reality was/is, fleeting at best.
I listed the bike at the end of last summer (not in hindsight, the time to move a motorcycle) perhaps reflective of my indecisiveness at the time with no true resolve to get it gone. As I pondered it's confined occupation in part of my parking spot - the concern for the need to ensure it's appropriate maintenance, additional cost to insure it (if I chose to ride it) and time out of my life to just ride it, for the sake of riding it; it became more clear that I was done with it.
So the relief I feel now, is the removal of the psychic weight of "owning" this bike. I truly hope whomever bought it, will ride it into the ground (by which I mean thoroughly enjoy it - I don't wish them or the bike any ill will).
Does this mean that I embrace the "you will own nothing and be happy..." credo of the World Economic Forum? No it does not!! I don't believe for a minute that any of the agenda of those self-appointed/declared, "elites" in any way, serves me or humanity as a whole; (unless it could be considered, that the gravity of their visions, for enslaving the world, are enough to shake people from their collective doldrums and to stand for the world they want to see). I don't even acknowledge them to be "elite." They certainly have more money than many, (including me) can even conceptualize - still I believe that the value of each individual member of humanity, ought not be quantified in terms of dollar value. Therefore their vast wealth, makes them no more important than anyone else, they simply have more money.
The difference is, I liberated myself, from this motorcycle (just as I freely chose to buy it) the choice was not forced on me, the motorcycle was not taken from me. Even with their vast wealth, they are not satisfied, they want complete control of the world, it's resources and the people that occupy it. Follow the money for yourself, you could simply start by considering all the bailouts and money directed at MSM (which is your money by the way, money that is being increasingly picked from your pocket in the form of continual tax hikes and government driven inflation). How likely are "journalists" etc. to ask government the tough questions, to subject them and their policies to critical thinking? Why is it instead of any questions or commentary that scrutinize government policies, members of the media simple parrot government talking points which accentuate a very myopic narrative? Many new broadcasts in North America are sponsored by major corporations - with the evening news team then bite the hand that feeds them and do any actual "investigative reporting?"
Ask yourself whether you feel any safer these days - career politicians, corporate CEO's and billionaire would be philanthropists, are continually haranguing across all forms of media platforms, that they know best - some literally claim "to be the science.." everyone should unquestioningly, follow their instructions as they know (and care for) what is best for the rest of us?
The government looks after their own interests - CEO's will always do what is necessary to benefit and be accountable to, the shareholders. The government promised to keep a cap on deficit spending and then blamed the current financial situation (first on "Covid" despite one of their own announcing that billions of dollars of that deficit where already spent before word one was spoken about Covid) then it's world events responsible for inflation. The government and it's policies are destroying the economy - taxes upon taxes (where is this "plan" to combat climate change?) There is no plan. The bank of Canada mandated only to keep a handle on interests rates have raised them more times in the last couple years than health "authorities" flip-flopped on the efficacy of masks!! Interest rates are being hiked to off-set out of control deficit spending - taxes are continually raised to off-set irresponsible government spending directing the burden on the citizens of the country.
We are being gas-lit (continuously) - you can't even go to bed one night and get up the next day and have words and phrases from the English language still mean the same thing.
When did it become a crime to think for one's self? The same people that claim to be defenders of democracy are defaming and cancelling anyone that questions or criticizes their policies. I tell you what - turn off that idiot box "Smart T.V." (it is doing nothing but dumbing down the population) if you look out your window - or witness something at work or in your community that causes you to stop in your tracks (deep in your gut knowing full-well this is "off!!" Do not run to your local (or national media source) to have them authenticate what you know to be true (or at least suspect). Don't let anyone tell you a pile of shit is a bouquet of roses!!
There is nobody (repeat nobody!!!!) to whom you should sign over your well-being to!!
The Hopi's were right..... "We are the ones we were waiting for."
It's time then to suit up and show up and collectively decide what kind of world we want to live in - otherwise, there are clearly those, that are only too prepared, to shape the world according to their vision!!
We've all seen glimpses of what that might entail - which was more than enough!! Freedom to choose is priceless. A great many freedoms have been surrendered (willingly), doubtful they will be restored. No tax implemented, is every removed, freedoms lost will not be regained, except at great cost.
I suppose a cross-road of grand magnitude now presents, once again including freedom to choose.
I would suggest one need choose mindfully - there is so much to be gained & everything to lose!
Rob O'Neill (July 29, 2023)
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