"And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
I happen to believe this expresses a great deal more than the Christian theology it is often associated with. The implication being that the eternal life and "reward" is out there somewhere beyond our physical existence.
This to me is where religion has (and is), doing a great disservice to spirituality; and in this case, the transformational teachings, that Jesus brought to humanity.
Obviously I can't vouch, for what is going on, in ever church the world over. Still, for the most part, they are about the "life-hereafter." The supposition is you're broken, flawed and deficient and that is your cross to bare.
Is it any wonder there is so much strife and conflict in the world; when there are literally hundreds of thousands of people, that are resigned to "this is as good as it can ever be expected to be."
Jesus taught a path of person transformation and empowerment that focuses on the inner landscape creating "heaven from hell." Trust me, you cannot see the beauty of our world, if it is viewed through the lens, of your own personal hell.
So it is in dying to the "small self" - the release of limiting belief systems, self-criticism & admonishment, survival persona (that which was developed to deal with past dysfunction and abuses) that create the crucible from which "'rebirth" is then possible.
The church created a power structure for the control and influence of the masses. They hoisted Jesus to the helm (which never was his vision), he never told anyone to "worship" him - he suggested "follow me," ( as in, this is how it's done, you can do this too) he was demonstrating how all of humanity could connect to their "Source;" that there was no need to look, to the ruling class for guidance, that their well-being could be taken into their own hands. He pointed out the flawed and hypocritical premise of the "rulers" of his time.
The church has reduced his teaching; to the wrote recitation of scripture, and a continued focus on usurping the power and energy of the congregants, in order to uphold the wealth and power, of the church. The book they rely on advises against the worshipping of false gods (idols) and then they sit in these edifices and do just that.
We each are a unique expression of the divine. To connect to and live from there, and doing so on an ever increasing basis, means that an unlimited Source (eternal life) has been tapped into. The will of "God" is that we awaken to the truth of who we are.
The choice however, is left with each individual. We can decide to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God (as expressed in the Twelve Steps) see ourselves as an "Instrument of divine peace" and develop ourselves accordingly, or languish the life of instincts run amok.
The collective has been so thoroughly programmed to think so little of themselves (this has been normalized) that when anyway speaks of "self-love," the misguided masses label him or her, a narcissist. This term is bandied about, in day to day conversation, by lay people of all stripes, whom for the most part, have no idea what it actually means.
Think about the implications of this, healthy self-respect, concern, compassion & empathy for one's own self; instead of being encouraged and embraced, is made out to be a pathology. It matters not the falsehood of such ... once a lie is spread widely and frequently enough, it is eventually considered to be the truth.
God Grant Me the Serenity
To Accept the Things
I Cannot Change
The Courage to Change
The Things I Can
And the Wisdom
To Know the Difference.
R. O'Neill (July 23, 2018)
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