Still given this to be true, at any and all times, regardless of what source I choose for information - whatever it yields; I need to allow it to flow through my faculties of discernment, and make a decision that is right for me. That may represent a greater truth ... it may be influential and impact others or it may not. Either way it is an act of courage for one to "be themselves" in this world. In a society that revere's "individualism" - it doesn't take long to realize, there are no shortage of those that will only "allow" your individual expression, in direct proportion, to what "they" deem as acceptable. Beyond that one can experience resistance, "policing" of behaviour, shaming, & various forms of covert & overt hostility; in general pressure to conform. Individuality then, is one of innumerable "ideas," that doesn't really hold up, beyond that of another cute sentiment.
Did I attain my 60 + yrs. through altruism, prudence, exemplary lifestyle? Certainly not entirely! I've done some decent acts, there's also a set of my fingerprints, on things I'm not so proud of. Do I possess the "right," or entitlement to my continued living? No. But I still hold, to the "all were created equal" idea (even though life here on the third rock from the sun, kicks the shit out of it....) I don't take for granted my life, and see it more as a privilege/gift. (and yes I continue to shine the light, upon my life to ascertain, specifically how, it has been built upon privilege - that is an assessment that is surely uncomfortable, but certainly no more so, than the people that live without the same privilege).
Some of what I have observed and/or become aware of, through reading history, is the uprising of rancour from the masses whenever "their right" to choose to, for example to smoke cigarettes (or use other tobacco products), drink alcohol, to the south the "right to bare arms" - to the north, the "right to access to a publicly administered health care system...
Mine is not to argue at this time for the worthiness of these goods, services or even weaponry....
But I will point out the inconsistency, in those that argue their right to smoke or drink (or both) while currently, the same people will lay claim, to the need to mandate everyone, be wearing a mask in public. They have choice to consume known carcinogens and alcohol, that has a well documented history, of the potential to destroy lives - but no one, should be given the choice, about a mask that has no known efficacy.
I have seen people standing in line wearing a mask, waiting to get into the liquor store. I have seen people partially remove their mask, in order to have a cigarette, while waiting in line to buy their booze. Of course they will claim they pay a litany of taxes which further reinforces their right. To be sure there is significant tax on these items, doubtful it even begins to off-set the multi-faceted cost of the impact on society.
Indeed the choice remains up to the individual, as to what they include in their own lives - let's be consistent with that application of that ideal, shall we. Those "choices" cause known deaths and nobody is closing liquor stores or banning the sale of cigarettes. Why there even considered "essential services" during the Pandemic??
Stick with me, exercising your "free choice" to smoke &/or drink, doesn't take away from those substances lowering your immune system, in the short term and causing chronic health issues in the longer term. My wearing a mask will not protect the chronic smoker, that has already ravaged his or her lungs, from being more susceptible to a virus that attacks a weakened immune system (and as it happens, is a "respiratory illness!!" Nor will it do anything to protect those that have sustained themselves on years of junk food and are immune compromised as a result.. Yes, all the fast food joints are "essential" too - distancing in effect, while drive through business is booming with all those cars sitting idling noxious fumes into the atmosphere. Will the mask protect us from that too??
I am no prohibitionist, I don't judge addiction or anyone's lifestyle choice. (I also acknowledge there are those, for whom socio-economic standing, doesn't allow for them, to "eat more nutritionally" - that are marginalized and challenged to access activities - and wellness professionals, due to financial barriers. They don't "choose" this circumstance. A mask will not make them any better off.
I cannot begin to fathom how anyone believes, that government policies (as delivered by federal and provincial "health officers"- which might be publicly selected, but are most certainly closely associated with government) which include the "guidelines" for the current "crisis;" can be particularly concerned with public health, when they turn a blind eye, to so many widespread corporate concerns that are poisoning land, sea and air. Legislation protects genetically modified food producers with no need to give comprehensive labeling of food. Pesticides, herbicides and all sorts of toxic run-off from various industries is allowed into the food chain through environmental contamination. Corporations are given indemnity and are virtually untouchable in terms of culpability or accountability beyond "a slap on the wrist." "Health Canada" for years has been behind the removal of various natural products from health food shelves - none of which had harmful side-effects and many that were found helpful for a wide variety of concerns. Governments that could regulate .. do not. And now, they would proclaim to oversee a new virus on the landscape.
The wearing of masks will not protect people that have been on a long term trajectory of self-destructive behaviour. It's a band-aid intervention. More designed to create the illusion of being proactive with very little grounds to support it. Many of the "acceptable" conditions of modern society, are largely not fit, for human habitation (certainly not for healthy mind, psyche and soul) once those are compromised, physical conditions will invariably follow. The "carrot" being offered, is a return to some semblance of "business as usual." (i.e. short term sacrifice, now will allow the return of normalcy). The status quo, is what has been breaking down immune systems, body and mind, damaging the planet that we live on and depend on - it sustains us. Masks now - nor experimental vaccines when they are released, will not prevent humanity, from the self-harm of a continued addiction to the economic system ... so many are "Jonesing" for right this minute - so much so, they ready to do most anything for it to return. Dyed in the wool skeptics of all stripes, that wouldn't have given you a hint of confidence in government integrity, transparency etc. are now convinced, these leaders are going to "save the day?" Why? Largely because they can't conceive of a world without their "fixes." Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying a major shakedown would be in anyway comfortable - but it doesn't mean it's not necessary and, no paper mask is going to prevent it from coming.
A return to 60 hr. work weeks, regular access to Walmart & "Best Buy" and season tickets to whomever, will not prevent the multitude of factors that were contributed to humanities "11th hr." possibilities (pre-Covid). Start to make some meaningful change on these fronts, and perhaps there might commence to be seen some credibility, in "leadership," regarding the well-being of it's citizens.
And I will still maintain that experts, leaders, group-mind and social agreement should never be allowed to over-ride personal conscience & compass. There has never been a more important time to listen "in" - and follow your gut. If it doesn't seem right - no matter how many are indulging in it, it is not right.
A lifetime of acquiescing, soul-selling & people-pleasing, could well be accentuated by a life changing stand, Now! It's never too late.
R. O'Neill (May 31, 2020)