Tuesday, 29 December 2020

When the Student is Ready......

 I'm reticent to issue myself the gauntlet of challenge, or make promises I may not follow through on. Still here I sit, poised over the keyboard doing what I love to do ... writing! It is with nothing like the regularity I once observed, that I allow that which resides within, to find its way upon the page. I have neither alibi nor sound reason, for my absence from writing, nor do I know what a return might look like. 

Today it looks like this... Let's settle in there, and let tomorrow write itself.

Today represents a celebration in my life. Indeed it could be said, is there a day that isn't worthy of celebrating? And while I understand where that perspective is coming from, certainly some days, celebratory elements, can be pretty thoroughly hidden.

As I relish in the beauty of this day and all it has taken to arrive, I'm also reflecting on some occurrences from yesterday. 

I'm on a sabbatical of sorts, so yesterday had no rigid timelines of any form to realize. I was paying some fleeting attention to my laptop ... which is in dire need of a good purging - that didn't happen, but I happened to notice, an incoming invoice from my internet provider. I am distinctly unskilled at the administration of such things. They have some sort of practice, that involves a couple months worth of service billed at once. The due date is quite sometime later. I don't want to pay the whole thing, so I pay the one month amount and mostly that happens on time - I do admittedly lose track of it occasionally. At any rate, I went to the online page and learned I was actually a day late...

I went to my online banking and processed a payment. I also knew that wouldn't be applied for a few "business days" - I wanted to inform the provider, the payment was made, so I got on the "live-chat." To begin with, it wasn't a rep on the other end, it was some automated text response, that took its cue from what I wrote first.. It became clear pretty quickly, that my communication, wasn't getting through.  To continue, would have meant becoming ensnared in some automated, "Ground Hog" Day like scenario; where I'm asked how I can be helped, I lay it out, the response has nothing to do with what I asked, and then I'm asked if I've been satisfactorily served... 

After a few volleys of that online version of hell .. I'm plunged that much deeper when connected with a "live rep."  I explained to him, I just wanted to communicate, that I'd applied an online payment (1 day late) to my account. Instead of thanking me and reconciling the situation with "duly noted." He requests a vast series of "security" questions (to verify my identity).. I'm thinking, "ya cause I've got nothing better to do, than to try and pass myself off as someone else, so I can come online, then pay their internet bill for them!!"

I answered most of the questions ... but I don't remember what email address I used when I registered for this online access. Well that's enough to throw a sizeable monkey wrench, in the works.. Eventually I must have given him enough indication, I was who I claimed to be (I for one will certainly sleep better knowing that!!) there seemed to be some indication, we were moving forward in the interaction, and then the online chat froze!! I could no longer type anything further..

There wasn't a "snowball's chance in hades" I was going to log back in ... so I concluded to myself, "go ahead and cut of my internet - it's entirely possible I'll be happier without it!"

Now if you have followed anything of my blog in the past, you know that "Spirituality" is a very important part of my life. It has taken on many shapes and sizes and undergone considerable permutations over the past thirty-odd years. All of it necessary, in as much as, that's how it went, so Que Sera Sera. I am most certainly no avatar or spiritually advanced being..  It just so happens, that my life and myself within my own skin, flow infinitely more smoothly, with the regular application of various spiritual principles.

During this messaging session with the internet provider, (who has the audacity to call himself a "customer service representative"!!!! - "Service what service? I most certainly wasn't the recipient of any service..."

As you can see, my attitude and inner environment, was spiralling down to nowhere particularly helpful and a far-cry from enlightenment... (you might say I was courting a spiritual crisis of sorts) - oh sure seems pretty benign ... "first world problem"(you might say)  I can assure you, I can apply just the right amount of self-righteousness, victim consciousness, and financial fears - to blow something like this, into a five alarm catastrophe...

I had in my company a delightful companion, we had intended to head into town, to explore a local Thrift store ... a quest for hidden gems, in the book department by my reckoning... I didn't want to let this rising shit storm sour my (our) day.... I prayed - asking for clarity, for release from those less than helpful beliefs about myself, my situation, life in general ..... I need a change of perspective - I'll accept a miracle, but at least, I don't want to feel this way, for the rest of the day.

I just left it at that ... I had touched on some of the highlights of my a.m. experience with my partner and expressed, some of the frustration, and also indicated "I'm done with the matter for now.."

We got into town and into the short line to enter the Thrift store. There was one older fellow ahead of us in the line. He and many in the line, were already wearing their masks... I don't wear a mask any longer than necessary. So we joined the line and I had my mask in my pocket. The fellow watched me walk past and seemed to be assessing, where I stood in the line, and maybe noting the lack of mask.. I was feeling not entirely peaceful from the a.m. encounter and then, I started an "inside voice" confrontation with this guy.... albeit short lived. He went about his way getting into the store, and some other hopeful patrons behind us - cued us as to the drill, for entering the store..

Once in the store, we made our way to the back of the store, where the books are located. Who do you think was back there sitting in front of this old organ... Yes indeed it was him!! From my rather surly vantage point, both the organ and organist, had seen better days!!

But little did I know ... I was about to be served up the miracle I had been asking for... He flipped a few switches, pulled on a few knobs ... teased out a few arpeggios, and then with not so much as a page of sheet music, he brought that old instrument to life. Oh my God could he play!!! Seemingly effortlessly he commanded old standards out of two tiers of keyboards and the bass pedal accompaniment - such glorious embellishment in his arrangements. Every so often, without missing a beat, he'd hit some other switches and change the effects etc. All the while, that I spent with my nose in the books shelves, this keyboard wizard, worked his magic, which had a palpable effect on my spirits. And, it wasn't lost on me that as I was looking through books at the time,  I also was given the reminder about, "judging books by their cover..." this guy saved my day!! I thanked him and told him he lifted my flagging spirits. In a thick Scottish brogue he just acknowledged, "well that's okay then isn't it..."

The day or more accurately my disposition in relationship to it,  was to be subject to some further testing. While my partner continued her search through the store - I took my finds to the car and walked down to the service station, to use their facilities.. The attendant gave me the key and do you think I could get that to work?? He must have been observing me from the counter and came from behind and offered to help. He inserted the key and with a  bob left and jig right he opened the door. Once in I took my wallet out of my sweat pant pocket (so that it didn't fall out) ..... I left the station and walked back to my car, to sit and enjoy some of the books I found. My partner joined me and then, we drove out of town to park lands on a nearby river.. 

We'd got out of the car and were walking to the trailhead,, when upon slapping my pockets, I realized my wallet was gone. I announced the discovery... we went back to the car, to see if it had fallen out, when it became clear to me, exactly where it was (at least where I had left it) - at that point I was prepared to just leave it and go check for it later.. I didn't want to spoil the hike and was just prepared to "surrender" to the circumstances. It was suggested we could still hike, but let's check on the wallet first... call the station & see if it was turned in. I did just that and the attendant, knew what I was going to ask, before I could even finish my question.

I told him we were out of town a ways having planned to go for a hike, so it would take a while to get to him.. He said, I'm here until 10pm sir, take your time and enjoy your hike, your wallet is safe with me. 

I was in awe, both taking in the west coast rainforest, the river swollen from all the rainstorms which fed the falls to spectacular proportions - I was also immensely grateful, to have had all these amazing experiences unfold throughout a day, that I had earlier pretty much written off, and then continued intent on, fulfilling my own prophecy...

My adherence to spirituality has nothing to do with me being an extraordinary person ... quite the contrary, I am one for whom, the wonders of spirituality, have the most potential to demonstrate, a significant shift - so you could say - I'm an apt vessel for the demonstration of divine majesty.

R. O'Neill (December 29, 2020)

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Can There Be a "New Normal" - If Normal Never Existed in the First Place?

 The longer this Covid 19 circus plays out across international stages, the higher the volume of masks littering the landscape becomes. Lets for now, forget about unreliable testing,  conflated numbers, used to report "new cases," and fatalities, dodgy preliminary reports of panacea vaccines, fascist corporate cartels etc.

Instead lets consider the environmental degradation that is occurring with these masks piling up everywhere. How long before they wind up in waterways entangling water fowl, and other aquatic beings. Synthetic fabrics and materials adding to the toxicity of water, incrementally compromising its ability to sustain life. What of other beings from within the web of life, that become ensnared in discarded mask straps, or ingest the wretched things? Even if they were being "disposed" of properly (which clearly they are not) if the premise is, these masks prevent the virus from entering ones airway, then by the time they are pitched in the streets, they must be highly concentrated with particulates of God knows what!

As the only ones that are advocating these face diapers are agencies and organizations, that have so many ties to, and conflicts of interest with, corporate interests and their government puppets - it becomes increasingly evident that the campaign has nothing to do with well-being (as the only ones benefiting from masks are those that are making them and selling them). Missing from any of these "health authorities" is any information pertaining to, the bolstering of the immune system, lifestyle revisions that would improve quality of life for some, lessen compromising immunity for still others. Where is anything representing the power of prayer and meditation for well-being? No the magic bullet, is said to only come in the form of, an experimental vaccine, that will turn humans, in to sanctioned lab rats. But of course the "economy" is far more important than wellness or personal freedom and autonomy - never mind ethics or morality. (But no - no ..... lest we forget - how could we?? with the 24/7 propagandists brain-washing; touting "science.." as the un-sung heroes, toiling thanklessly to save the world... 

The mask will do nothing more for your wellness, than your shopping addiction, that which, so many are clambering to feed; by buying more masks, so you can go to the mall, to buy more crap you don't need. The same addictions that existed pre-"pandemic," that enslave thousands of people in sweat-shop labour, to feed the insatiable appetites, of designer label junkies, while countless others, remain in poverty and a opioid crisis rages unchecked.

The economy is based on unsustainable models of exponential growth, that rely on finite resources that are being extracted from the planet; that not only sustains our lives, but all living beings. This unchecked consumption, is the threat to our existence. Unregulated production of goods, chemical products, genetically modified foods; the myopic health system's, administration of toxic substances, with horrific side effects, adverse reactions and significant mortality rates, are ignored (in fact legislation and policies are drafted to pave their way). Nothing of this is, is seen as suspect, viewed as the smoking gun, or in any way implicated to a decreasing "quality of life" and wellness.

No! Give us masks and vaccines so we can "return to normal." The problem is "Normal" is: lives addicted to consumption and distraction. "Normal" sees an enemy around ever corner (if one doesn't, exist it will create one).  "Normal" is part of a paradigm, that created the "those with the most toys at the end of the game wins." They already have everything money can buy - what's left? Nothing, but the comic book crowning achievement, of "world domination."

Ask many of those that suffer from mental illness (the number of which is mounting hourly) how much if any, has the Pharmaceutical industry eased their suffering (never mind a "cure.") Inquire of someone (and there are millions) that are living with a cavalcade of adverse reactions, from a primary medication (or half a dozen) and wind up on dozens more, to mitigate the suffering of the side effects. Class actions suits for wrongful death, knowingly repressing pertinent drug information, that would allow for "informed consent" are seen by the industry, as just the cost, of doing business. Consider all of this and more, and then tell me, you really believe, the "authorities and the experts" - have your back!!?

To paraphrase George Carlin these "elites" are members of a very exclusive club, and you ain't on the fucking guest list... and you never will be. Now might be a good time to consider this, and consider it carefully, before they open their world wide Kool-aid stands!! 

R. O'Neill (November 24, 2020)

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

A Better Question


Academics & scholars


All the answers


All the problems

Be solved 

By now?


The bottom line



To be

The bottom line


The bottom line

Beg the question,

Isn't something 

Missing here?






Bottom line!


Successive governments









Nuclear bombs

Environmental degradation 



"War" on

(You name it...)



Corporate Plutocracy

Do you 

Really believe

It prudent

To abdicate 

One's personal 















Really believe



With Nature


Ever occur

As long


There are 

Continued attempts 


Control, Manipulate 


Dominate it?


Will not


To such




Attacking it

Exploiting it




Upon it


Might the 

Outcome be






An alliance

Was formed

It was





No shortages 



In the world




With heart


Well be


The minority



May not





Will be

No doubt

That it


R.O'Neill (November 11, 2020)

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Another Round

 I'm sitting on what came to be for me hallowed grounds of the Christ Church Cathedral (the Anglican Cathedral in Victoria, B.C. Canada - directly across from the "Millennium Labyrinth" which is the very one I utilized for the forty day practice that lead to the writing of my book - "What Goes Around Comes Around."

As you can see, I still keep coming around. Now, these grounds were sacred, long before I was inspired to undertake that journey. As I mentioned somewhere in the book I'm guessing the multiple generations of congregants that attend this church find strength, comfort, hope or maybe just a good nap. Of course long before this edifice was constructed, the grounds were part of an entire region, held sacred to the Lekwungen People's (still are). Overtures of reconciliation are discussed, hearing conducted, treaty's negotiated, to what end? I don't know, I have a part to play and, it's for greater minds than mine to resolve (most things are).

Inside the cathedral there are not only the icons of religiosity but the flags that represent various British/Canadian military factions in a strange mix of "do unto others as I (and as you would have others) do unto you & the colonialist manifestos of "might is right.." ("we took it therefore it's ours now to do with as we please, no doubt somewhere along the line claiming it was "God's will;" in a bizarre transposition of responsibility that continues to unfold a legacy of pain and suffering.

Not the God I subscribe to, however, it's not mine to play God and tell anyone else what they should believe.

In a reading I was doing today Richard Rohr was discussing attributes of Francis and Clare of Assisi - in this case simplicity. He quoted Francis as saying, "a man has not yet given up everything for God as long as he has held on to the moneybag of his own opinions." 

Well that fell squarely in the, didn't know it before opening the post, but that is something I really needed to read!" Which doesn't mean it will be easy for me to accept, embody and enact - but one must start somewhere.

With regard to "opinions," I would say I've often been aware that those of others annoy me (clearly as I write this it's indicative that I "have" and opinion. I would say at least some of the time, I've offered mine in a sincere desire to be helpful (why I would think my "good intentions" don't provide a share of the paving stones on that road to hell, I'm not sure), other times (many times - alas too many times) I've just wanted to be RIGHT! Not content to "live and let live," determining the opinion of another so unconscionable - I set out to eradicate it from consciousness (yes, I'm now painfully aware there was another being delivering that opinion that didn't have in mind, becoming collateral damage to my self-righteousness. 

How often then is my opinion nothing more than some weave of my reptilian survival mechanisms launching a full frontal assault in order to keep me safe? Once again, too often!! I do owe a debt of gratitude to my defence mechanisms, I wouldn't be here to ponder any of it otherwise.

I'm also realizing more and more, this aging militia of mine need to stand down. 

What is it that is being defended ... well I'm looking at that whole package face on. All the remnants of my childhood trauma - to be sure, they required defending. But now at this ripe old age I should be sitting in some spiritual equivalent of the "Legion," celebrating my soul's armistice! Giving up playing God (in my life and that of others) surrendering my opinion, turn the helm of the universe back over to God.

Will the the known and unknown universe be okay if I resign my self-appointed deification? Well there was a whole class of wee toddlers from the Anglican private school running all over the grounds (including the labyrinth) - I get the distinct impression all is in good hands. (and I didn't even need to get out of my seat).

One little angelic "toe-head" was playing "peek-a-boo" with me through the labyrinth sign. I was heartened not to be seen as just the crumpled old guy sitting on the park bench.. I might actually be that too - but someone saw me!

Blessings be!

R. O'Neill (October 08, 2020)

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Half Full, Half Empty

Blank page



In Fog





Lies within?




A fathomless












A glance


To court





Tilled field





The hand


The seed

Cultivate & nurture






Tone & hue





The palette




Creativity & imagination

Along with





Embrace risk



All things




Dance floor




A death




All the way


R. O'Neill (October 04, 2020)

Friday, 2 October 2020

Doing Nothing Doesn't Mean Nothing is Done

 Today post encompasses for me, something in the way, of an expanded spiritual practice. I often times don't necessarily have a pre-meditated theme, though sometimes during the course of the day, "ideas" may come through, or an experience/s, may inspire me to write about them. In today's case, I simply picked up a book that is, "chock-a-block" full of prayers and randomly selected one (in a form affectionally known as "bible bingo." The intention being now, having read the prayer, just go ahead and write. No "research," no ruminating, no cross-referencing.

Inherent in the intention is to trust right here & now in this moment that I have everything I need to write this post.

My life for a great many years has been one of continual conscious awareness that my envelope needs enlarging - on many a front. Prior to that I unconsciously asserted my utmost to remain unchanged. I don't say that I was actually able to do that and of course life went about its merry way ushering in change; I however, unbeknownst to me was quite convinced that unexpected and uninvited change (unpredictable) was apt to be detrimental to me.

I often don't know what I will write, even when I think I know what I'm going to write about. I'm frequently mystified by how that unfolds. From the afore mentioned days of yore until now - I have a increased capacity for that sort of unfolding in my day to day life. Having said that I'm not completely at ease all the time and fear and anxiety can sometimes be triggered.

The prayer I read was written from the perspective of a loving Creator inviting (in this case, me) to turn over my fears and anxiety (uncertainty about the future). To reach through my heart to the heart of all that is which is teeming with infinite peace and well-being. 

To settle back into today, embrace a pace that itself is ease and grace and to settle safe in the assurance that everything that is needed for today is already here and that I only need do the best I can today with what is directly in front of me to do.

One door, for me, as I understand it, effectively is closing today. If I assume a higher point of view, then it only represents no more than a facet of my well-being. What won't serve me is to take that thread of "reality" run it endlessly through the machinations of my magnifying mind; whereby once out the other end, I terrifying myself with vast calamity

I choose to believe instead that this loving presence not only doesn't want me featuring myself in a weekend horror movie marathon... but would prefer I use the gifts of my faculty for creativity and imagination first of all to apply some self-soothing as extensively and often as necessary and then to consider and practice some faith and trust that just as all is well here and now - so it shall continue to be whether I have fore-knowing of what's next or not.

I reckon it stands to reason that if I continually depend on a perspective generated by my limited capacity I'm apt to become increasingly fearful. Conversely if I align myself with infinite love I am therein availed an endless resource.

To be sure ... there is always my part - the need for me to do my own "foot-work," however just as when I sat down to begin this post, in front of entirely blank screen, completely lacking in definition or content and in a short while later here it is, near ready to post. I had to apply myself to some degree the rest took care of itself. So it can be with the blank screen of other avenues of my life - the guidance I'm receiving and sharing today is I can bombard that which presents in my life with the limits of my will or I can turn it over to limitless love avail myself to the embodiment of that.

R .O'Neill (October 02, 2020)

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Unapologetic Allegiance


Long for

The forsaken








The silence



Certain refuge



Oppressive milieu


A world

Which exerts





An insatiable 





The shackles


Unfounded shame



Of misguided




Impotent echo



Severed vines



Their own




The liberty



Sovereign voice


With truth





That is




No one

R. O'Neill (October 01, 2020)

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

More or Less Accurate

 "Nothing can satisfy greed, but even a small measure satisfies nature. So it is that the poverty of an exile brings no misfortune, for no place of exile is so barren as not to produce ample support for a person." 

-Seneca, On Consolation to Helvia, 10.11b

"More is better." (Might as well name the elephant in the room straight away). Not necessarily the stated personal or conglomerate mission statement of the 21st century ... but it could easily be. It is the drum beat animating many individual and collective marches.

I came to be aware of the influence of this pervasive mindset, through my own personal reckoning with addiction. Even after being free of the more damning substances, I became aware that the wack-a-mole of addiction, can and will, quite readily seek more of something else.

So then, I have awareness & admission of personal life experience with addictions. I have far less concern about the "stigma" of such an admission - because I believe the stigma, belongs to those that espouse such beliefs. Those, so immersed in these beliefs, suppose that it is better to carry on in ones addiction and "save face," than to admit they are drowning in themselves.

"More".... more of what? Well.... pretty much anything! Look around you, what do you see - more relevant what don't you see? If you need some visual aid, pick up a flyer or one of those glossy-paged magazines they are stuffed full of stuff. Any or all of which, one can become convinced is the next panacea. (except it isn't... never was - never will be!) There are marketing executives, addicted to their lifestyle, that have many a sophisticated arrow in their quiver designed to manipulate and exploit; to create an itch and then present just the right scratch (just for now mind you... but that is enough .. they've got your money now! the redundancy design, will have you coming back, if not for that product - well they have a whole line of alternatives - your brand loyalty, becomes an extension of their marketing and you pay for the privilege?)

More books, more cd's (to name a couple of my personal favourites)... more exercise, more workshops, more therapy... Surely this guru - knows more (and I will be so much better, when I know what they know!!) Until their clay feet are exposed ... then what?

More money ... ya everyone agrees that would solve everything! It can be useful... it cannot in itself remedy he/she, that believes that of themselves, they are not enough; and one will have a darn sight less of it, if they keep forking it over, to all those that would have you believe they are the "more" for your "less."

How very little is really "necessary!" 

What great lengths one can go to, in order to try and prove to self and others, that "I'm okay;" or to try and get away from the self, that believes it isn't so. 

Addiction can and will destroy the individual - it will insidiously strip away everything you ever cared about. "More," will ensure you are left with less (loved ones, home, vocation, self-respect, dignity, spiritual connection, will to live - until life itself, is extinguished).

The "many" might consider being wary, that they are exempt the fate of those they see as the "few," the boat they see as their refuge, labours with the weight of their insatiable provisions - and believing themselves above the need to learn to swim - reaching shore is anything but assured.

R. O'Neill (September 30. 2020)

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Spiritual Reconciliation


It is with

Deep sorrow 

Along with

Profound humility

That I 




To & of 







To carry


That wasn't yours


Due to 

The criticism

And humiliation






To be






Physical abuse

Spiritual abuse

Emotional abuse


What I needed



To survive

You were

Left abandoned 





By me



To listen

To cherish




My life


The authentic



Your voice




With you



In service



That misaligns

Dogmatic agendas

Social agreements

Gender expectations


Will of

The Creator


Be located


Societal mores


Misguided values





Forced oppression



In order



My false






Wish to 










A home



For you 


Of you

I love











Love you 

Dear Heart



My heart




With you


R. O'Neill (September 29, 2020)

Little Thoughts Can Impede Infinite Love

 Choose littleness and you will not have peace, for you will have judged yourself unworthy of it.

                                                                                                 - A Course in Miracles

I have taken on this particular writing "assignment" today (keep in mind I am relation to this blog: editor, writer, chief critic and principle benefactor) as the means to practice its themes, rather than suppose authority or mastery of them.

The world is full of "authorities." This past year we (I in particular) have been inundated, with the opinions, theories, presumptions, "educated" guesses, speculation, of authorities; all of which is having a significant impact on the shape and form, of the society we live in. While various individuals and collectives might spend considerable time, focused on some particular facets, in the known universe (while continuing to be oblivious to the vastly greater sum of what they don't know) the question for me is, at what point does their authority, violate my sovereignty? Given the dogmatic adherence of many "experts" to their pet theory, why should it be presumed, that it represents my best interest at all (or anyone else's - but I speak for myself).

For me, I become aware, that along the axis of my holding on to truth regarding my "smallness;" that I will invariably intersect, with the idea, that something or somebody knows better, or is better for me - having "it," or following their direction will make me a "better" person. (Nay.. nay) 

While I believe the longer I live, the more I come to realize, the less I know. I do know, that acquiescence to the agendas, beliefs, wishes, whims and approval of others, most certainly will not lead to any peace for me.

I happen to believe in a universally accessible force (call it Love ... I'm going to - call it what you will) it is available right here, right now. To the degree that I determine myself to be unworthy, unqualified, unprepared etc. ensures that I limit my ability, to receive Love from its source).

This Love is undiscrimenitory.... it doesn't require the acquisition of a Phd in order to qualify. Those with such designations, may be able to shed some specific light or guidance (but only for what amounts to an instant of another's life) they don't know what another needs, or even why they're here. 

To assume the need of continued direction from these authorities (well for one thing, continues to make a contribution to their bank account) perhaps more pressing is a continued renouncing of ones own power and access to Love.  

Though these external forms (which are presented through our culture as being determinants of value, security and power) they are not. They might provide some measure of comfort, convenience and amusement; however, love & attachment to them, will ensure a life-long pursuit in the crazy-making of the "rat-race," - a very extensive and elaborate manifestation of the "Hungry Ghost."

External qualifications, credentials, titles, resumes and CV's might give one talking points in and around a certain field - they don't ensure the experience of love, are not necessary in order to qualify for it and can readily be used as a barrier to it.

So the way I'm seeing it is, I can either continually view myself as "little," in which case I can continue to pummel myself with what literally would be the "Impossible Dream" (i.e. that somehow, someway, some day, only if and when.... I'll be somebody); or I can show up today open and willing, to accept my worthiness of the Love of the Creator, which allows me both the experience of it and the ability to share it.

It also allows me to locate the peace I seek far closer to home.

R. O'Neill (September 29, 2020)

Thursday, 24 September 2020

An Invitation


In the 
Impenetrable walls
Held fast
An alibi
An outward

The time


See fit
The embrace
Hearth & home
Of You?
Sunday best

Swing open
The doors
The shutters

The hinterland

The longing


R. O'Neill (September 24, 2020)

Friday, 18 September 2020

Die Well Having Lived First

 Every man dies, but not every man truly lives. - William Wallace

Green Man Spirit of the Woods

Help us to rediscover our Wildness.

Show us the value of nature and help us to find what we have lost.

In the peace of the sacred grove, may we be reborn

And grow strong like the trees of the forest. (taken from a wall hanging I recently acquired).

I anticipate a degree of challenge articulating that within myself that might well remain lost in part or perhaps entirely. Even still perhaps to speak of it, dare I say to it that a reconnection and continued awakening can be facilitated.

How abysmal to walk through life a slave to conformity! While it's true there is considerable common ground that unites humanity - perhaps only so many permutations of the human condition. It is something quite apart from this commonality that calls to each should they choose to listen. 

There doesn't appear to be any way to circumvent the reality that abject misery awaits those that ignore the call of their soul. Oh one can run far and wide (though not nearly fast enough) - going about the crazy-making busyness of staying busy; but eventually one must stop, the soul, being eternal, has nothing but timelessness, it can wait & when the din of doing, quiets for even just a moment, there it lies in waiting, seeking attentiveness. 

One could literally spend their lifetime "amusing themselves to death," spending more time than not, marching to the beat of all but their own drum.

This then is no indictment toward "work ethic," productivity or anything of the kind. I seek to make a distinction of a quality of living, and the underlying motivation ("purpose" if you will) that drives the machine (that machine being each of us). Of course I can't define anybody else's drum. I certainly can recognize the immediate presentation of challenge the moment one attempts to define and live by their own!

Stories abound regarding the ongoing disaster being unfolded as humans continue to attempt to "tame nature." 

The domestication and exploitation of animals for example has not only negatively impacted the lives of those animals, the eco-systems that are their homes but it is proving to spin-off and also adversely effect the health & wellness of humanity..

The "taming" and over domestication of humans I suggest is a soul-crushing proposition. Consider the cost of "approval," social agreement and endless forms of external indoctrination that must be unraveled in order to detect some sense of self.

Quantity has long usurped quality as the sought after value. Many seek longevity and fear dying - convinced that, "years to life" can ever hope to hold a candle to, "life to years."

It is this exploitation of nature while forgetting oneself (as nature) that gives rise to such widespread malaise. 

It seems to me that somewhere along the line the battle cry - "give me liberty or give me death," became at all costs, death must be avoided. By the time many realized what cost had actually been extracted the sentiment was generally, it's too late to turn back now!

I can't imagine a more painful irony than spending a lifetime running, trying to "cheat death," only to discover that when the day of reckoning arrives one never actually lived.

R. O'Neill (September 18, 2020)

Thursday, 17 September 2020

When Change Knocks Will I Bade it Welcome

 Change is not made without inconvenience. - Richard Hooker

There is a certain comfort found within the confines of the status quo, seductive, potentially addictive, so much so, that not unlike the fly becoming prey to the Dionaea muscipula (Venus fly-trap); enticement and snare are one and the same.

The rewards for change though often vast, frequently are accompanied by significant inconvenience and discomfort. Too much change all at once can be entirely destabilizing and chaotic, while excessive chaos can itself be disruptive to any lasting serenity, counter-productive and self-defeating.

Is it any wonder resistance to change so very often, can lay to waste: dreams, aspirations, goals even choices that would clearly be in one's "better interest."

"Better the devil you know.." speaks volumes to a rationalization to remaining - Unchanged! But is it really? People will move to the other side of the continent to "escape" their family - but shoot themselves in the foot again and again to cling to the "familiar." 

My most recent grappling with this conundrum is encompassed in the present reality, that my recent decision to recommit to my writing - which could be seen as newly courting "creativity," finds me sitting bolt upright at 3:45 a.m. (which was half an hour ago) unable to return to the obviously more comfortable embrace of sleep - I'm led to conclude it preferable to stare-down the blank page that is to contain this next blog post.

Growth, change, healing, personal evolution all have in common, that they are often found just beyond the bounds of comfort. Though it might be "human-nature" to seek the easier, softer way the soul cares not for anybody's convenience!

Exercise = Sweaty, uncomfortable & just plain inconvenient - but there is a high cost extracted for choosing to neglect it.

Challenging conversations, toxic relationships, dead-end jobs, a measure of comfort can certainly be found even adamantly fought for in each,  still what is the trade-off for avoidance?

To be clear abject suffering is not be advocated for here, but one certainly might need to muster some personal aversion to comfort which has exceeded its "best before date," and develop some tolerance for inconvenience and discomfort.

I can't tell you when change is due, other than to reference for all things comes a season. Having said that, even though I acknowledge, to force change prematurely can be ill-advised; while laying a ground-work to bridge a given situation can be optimal - often no amount of preparation can take away from the need to just make the leap. 

Four forty four - what in God's name am I doing bearing witness to that time of the morning? I feel and hear the winds of change directing me to respond to their inevitable mandate - is my answer.

"One never crosses the same river twice"

"Time wait for no one (no man)...."

"Nothing changes ... if nothing changes..."

"The only constant is change."

"Be the change...."

"Resistance is futile..." 

Personally, I have languished through procrastination, made an encampment of the decision of indecision, held fast to resistance even as it take me down for the last time - so I know what can be at stake when the need to "Let Go" may be ringing out loud and clear...

For just such occasions I continue to pray:

"God grant me the Serenity

To Accept the Things I Cannot Change

Courage to Change the Things I Can

And the Wisdom To Know the Difference.

R. O'Neill (September 17, 2020)

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Colouring Outside the Lines is One Thing (Who draws the lines another.....)

 "How many have laid waste to your life when you weren't aware of what you were losing, how much was wasted in pointless grief, foolish joy, greedy desire, and social amusements- how little of your own was left to you. You will realize you are dying before your time!" - Seneca, On the Brevity of Life

Before I proceed to somehow encompass the quote above into today's blog post, I need to acknowledge, that it has been considerable time, since I have offered consistency to my writing. Reviewing the statistics page of this platform, I see that I have written 738 posts and the site has been visited some 20,238 times. I want to take this time and opportunity, to thank everyone (& anyone) that has invested some of their time and energy into reading my musings. Of course at this point, I don't know if those that visited will reappear to receive my thanks - regardless,  I trust that energetically, it is the right thing to do. Naturally I would understand, that any that might have visited with regularity in the past, may have dropped off as there has been precious little to offer. (I won't be so bold even now to say that even while I more prolifically wrote that quality was assured, still there was something offered through which to make that assessment for ones self). Before I even knew I had a "following," a statistics page, etc. I simply wrote - it is in that spirit that I intend to return.

In retrospect I consider there are a variety of contributing factors, which combined to create my expressive drought, though I'm not sure it serves any greater good to belabour the topic here. To be sure it is of value for me to know, & my intention is to continue with my self-relevatory style of writing, as that is what I continue to feel guided to do. I believe in doing so, it makes both me, and that which I write about accessible and relatable - it is not my intention to posture myself above or below anyone while maintaining my integrity and authenticity. I will not apologize if through the expounding of my views, experience and journey the reader is "triggered" and then presumes to blame me through projection, supposing what I shared, is to blame for their feelings. Naturally I receive insight into who I am through both my writing and the same opportunity is extended through the reflection of others. It is equally important for me to continue to practice determining my own definition which can be aided through the mirror of others, while at other times the practice is discerning that what another offers is in fact theirs and has nothing to do with me.

Now then, I begin to consider the opening quotation. 

To begin with I am immediately struck with considering the immense value of a life (my life) and realizing that with regard to this incarnate existence, it is a finite opportunity and that through lack of awareness, precious (hours, days, weeks months, years) can be squandered, eroded, lost, stolen, misdirected, undervalued, exploited, manipulated, expropriated, sold out.

I resist temptation to berate, admonish or otherwise punish myself while considering that for me it has been so and that there has most certainly been significant impact.

I am also heartened by the fact that I wouldn't have this present day vision if I had not walked the path I did.

For me it is worthwhile to recognize a distinction between "pointless grief" & the very real need to allow love its stalwart mandate to grieve and grieve well. There simply is no other way to continue to expand into a deeper and increasingly complete version of myself; without allowing grief to reveal myself to myself, rather than continue to identify as someone, that would deny grief its loving vision for the greater good in my life.

I am well acquainted with the cost and impact of disassociation and repression coupled with a ever-present barrage of story-lines that are intended to be fear-inducing; it can be readily appreciated how limited becomes the lens and subsequent pathway once it has been allowed to succumb to such influences.

How sophisticated it can be presumed life is here and now in the "21st century" - yet I consider though there was no "social media" in the time of Seneca, he still references "social amusement" as a potential detriment to quality of life. War, pestilence, disease, poverty, greed, corruption etc. all existed during his time, just as they do today. Just the same there were those that recognized there are path/s, choices, ways and means that can affect and have effect on quality of life.

I suppose throughout history there have always been those that believed their particular circumstance was unrivalled in terms of challenge and personal impact. On the other hand there have been those (then and now) that are intent on "amusing" themselves to death invested in endless drama - needless to say, the more that can be influenced to join their cast of characters the grander the drama!

It seems to me that Seneca was speaking to the importance of "agency" in one's own life and was suggesting rather pointedly, the alternative is to join the "walking dead," until the day came when it was time to just lay down.

R. O'Neill (September 16, 2020)

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Ode to the Seashore

Time itself
By the cadence
Of the surf
Kissing the shoreline

Midday sand
Feels like
A favourite 
Pair of slippers
The soles 
My feet

Across the miles
Velvety beach
Geometric patterns
Carved with
Intricate precision
Too oft shoe-clad
A contoured
That is
Delightfully unfamiliar

What then 
Felled timbers washed ashore
Past Winter's tempests?
Just logs you say!!

Nay... Nay!!
A complex weave
Laid to span 
The entire shoreline
But only
For the most
Adept feet
Balance, endurance
Flexibility, Ingenuity

Not an activity
For the 
Faint of heart
What should happen
If you lose 
Your balance
And come off

I regret
To inform you
You are 
Then to be consumed
By lava pits
That are
The heat 
One thousand suns

If it is
Any reassurance
I have suffered
This fate
On numerous occasions...

I suggest 
That you 
Make yourself 
Before embarking
I myself
Have been
My fair share
Of Do overs..

By the way
Don't even 
Bother going
To the shore
If you
Haven't allowed
Ample time
To explore
The many tide pools

Each is a universe unto itself!!!
The more 
Closely one looks
The more
Previously thought
Inanimate objects
Pulse with
the life 
Of the Creator
A perfect
Wee system
Symbiotic existence
Divinely ordained
Sand and Salt water
By the sun
To weave 
A web 
of life
You will 
Anywhere else!

Of course
No trip
The seaside
Would be complete
A thorough
Treasure hunt!!

A keen eye
Will yield
Perfect stone!
If you will..
There are 
"Pebbles on the beach"

There is also
Has been
For you

Must be willing
To spend
Ample time
On your quest
Just look 
With your 
(the beach is alive)
It will
Lead you
Right to it!!

Be alarmed
When the shell
You fancy
Runs away
Do keep 
In mind
You are 
A visitor
In a thriving
Seaside metropolis

Is to be said 
Taking pictures
Leaving footprints
That "souvenir"
Might be somebody's

Don't forget
To offer 
A fond
To those
The clams

"No intelligent life?"
(you say)
How do you 
That they 
Know just
When to 
Their wee
Straight up
Your pant leg?
(a sensual delight0

Good fortune
Upon you
You will
At the seashore
Long enough
The pageantry 
The setting sun

The same show


As geese
Fly in formation
Across crimson skies

Eagles, ravens & crows
Vie for
The optimal
Tree top balcony seating

A delicious
Coastal expanse
A lone heron
The surf
Will strike
A vigilant
Patient pose

R. O'Neill (August 02, 2020)


Monday, 15 June 2020

A Stones Throw Away

I wonder if farmers ever consider, "I've ploughed this field again & again, why in the name of all that is holy - must I do it again?"

I'm not talking about someone, that has farmed for years, and has come to the cross-road place in his or her life and they decide, "I'm done with this, I'm ready to take on the new challenge of _________."

There again - farming, sowing, & nature focused metaphors, are at least as old as the bible (assuming the references and from whom they are referenced, have even a grain of truth..) - I therefore am not "breaking new ground" by employing them.

The opening question occurs to me, as I consider the more personal question regarding "working on myself: "Why am I not finished?"

I have done considerable work over a very long time. I don't seek "seniority status," accolades, medallions or epitaphs; generally I suppose I'm using "time served," as part of my argument, or at least, ground for my current frustration regarding, "why is it not over?"

I perceive I have done a monumental amount of work. I also accept, this might be a gross perceptual distortion on my part.  I have expended endless hours, countless dollars and immeasurable emotional equity.

So why would I consider the job is left incomplete? Well, (to continue the metaphor) as I proceed to run my plough through the field, I continue to run smack head long, into another big fucking rock!!

For the most part I would say, these rocks have a familiarity to them (not new rocks .. I thought I dug these rocks out before, why are the feck'in things still here?)  I don't hate the rocks, I don't want to destroy the rocks, I sure as hell can't deny the presence of the rocks.... When your forward momentum impacts such a barrier ... the spine is torqued, the teeth gnash together, all levels of physicality and beyond, come to a wrenching abrupt stop.

What's this then, one queries???

Ah.... right, another go around with the Rock of O'Neill. Bloody hell and fuck this every-way to Thursday.....!!!!

So perhaps then my perceived volume of "work" ... is both significant and, not enough!

One might conclude that the field would become "rock free.." eventually - I know that notion passes through me from time to time. I don't know that it's true or possible, because as just noted - in my field, I continue to encounter rocks..

Do other people have "rock free" fields? I wouldn't know for sure. My observation would be that many present, as though they do. But do they really? Maybe, that is my envy speaking?? Maybe they actually have "hit rock bottom" - wow imagine that!! I can't.. I can't find the bottom!! I could come to accept it is possible, that someone has achieved a rock free field... and even then from them receive, a gentle reflection; that they can see the rocks in my field from where they stand and offer some encouragement around the continued clearing..

However if all I was to hear, was the equivalent of taking the rocks from my field, and stoning me with them... then I would consider the stone thrower; to have a field that may be further devoid of stone, but its fertilizer content is apparently excessive.

What then remains ... from my current perspective, I suppose I plough another furrow.

Until such time as I return to the clay I originated from, in effect becoming the field, I may then have a different perspective on the stones.

R. O'Neill (June 15, 2020)

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Noteworthy Inconsistency

I'm considering that my sixty plus years on the planet has afforded me the witnessing of a great many "events" both large and small. Some global some more personal (more now, I consider there is little if any need to distinguish between the two). Does the time spent here, mean I now possess vast wisdom and ultimate truth? No - not just yet. If anything, I become more acutely aware, of how much there is to be known, that I don't know. So much so, I don't even know, what I don't know; so much so, I will never know it all. (Neither will the "experts")

Still given this to be true, at any and all times, regardless of what source I choose for information - whatever it yields; I need to allow it to flow through my faculties of discernment, and make a decision that is right for me. That may represent a greater truth ... it may be influential and impact others or it may not. Either way it is an act of courage for one to "be themselves" in this world. In a society that revere's "individualism" - it doesn't take long to realize, there are no shortage of those that will only "allow" your individual expression, in direct proportion, to what "they" deem as acceptable. Beyond that one can experience resistance, "policing" of behaviour, shaming, & various forms of covert & overt hostility; in general pressure to conform.  Individuality then, is one of innumerable "ideas," that doesn't really hold up, beyond that of another cute sentiment.

Did I attain my 60 + yrs. through altruism, prudence, exemplary lifestyle? Certainly not entirely! I've done some decent acts, there's also a set of my fingerprints, on things I'm not so proud of. Do I possess the "right," or entitlement to my continued living? No. But I still hold, to the "all were created equal" idea (even though life here on the third rock from the sun, kicks the shit out of it....) I don't take for granted my life, and see it more as a privilege/gift. (and yes I continue to shine the light, upon my life to ascertain, specifically how, it has been built upon privilege - that is an assessment that is surely uncomfortable, but certainly no more so, than the people that live without the same privilege).

Some of what I have observed and/or become aware of, through reading history, is the uprising of rancour from the masses whenever  "their right" to choose to, for example to smoke cigarettes (or use other tobacco products), drink alcohol, to the south the "right to bare arms" - to the north, the "right to access to a publicly administered health care system...

Mine is not to argue at this time for the worthiness of these goods, services or even weaponry....

But I will point out the inconsistency, in those that argue their right to smoke or drink (or both) while currently, the same people will lay claim, to the need to mandate everyone, be wearing a mask in public. They have choice to consume known carcinogens and alcohol, that has a well documented history, of the potential to destroy lives - but no one, should be given the choice, about a mask that has no known efficacy.

I have seen people standing in line wearing a mask, waiting to get into the liquor store. I have seen people partially remove their mask, in order to have a cigarette, while waiting in line to buy their booze. Of course they will claim they pay a litany of taxes which further reinforces their right. To be sure there is significant tax on these items, doubtful it even begins to off-set the multi-faceted cost of the impact on society.

Indeed the choice remains up to the individual, as to what they include in their own lives - let's be consistent with that application of that ideal, shall we. Those "choices" cause known deaths and nobody is closing liquor stores or banning the sale of cigarettes. Why there even considered "essential services" during the Pandemic??

Stick with me, exercising your "free choice" to smoke &/or drink, doesn't take away from those substances lowering your immune system, in the short term and causing chronic health issues in the longer term. My wearing a mask will not protect the chronic smoker, that has already ravaged his or her lungs, from being more susceptible to a virus that attacks a weakened immune system (and as it happens, is a "respiratory illness!!" Nor will it do anything to protect those that have sustained themselves on years of junk food and are immune compromised as a result.. Yes, all the fast food joints are "essential" too - distancing in effect, while drive through business is booming with all those cars sitting idling noxious fumes into the atmosphere. Will the mask protect us from that too??

I am no prohibitionist, I don't judge addiction or anyone's lifestyle choice. (I also acknowledge there are those, for whom socio-economic standing, doesn't allow for them, to "eat more nutritionally" - that are marginalized and challenged to access activities - and wellness professionals, due to financial barriers.  They don't "choose" this circumstance. A mask will not make them any better off.

I cannot begin to fathom how anyone believes, that government policies (as delivered by federal and provincial "health officers"-  which might be publicly selected, but are most certainly closely associated with government) which include the "guidelines" for the current "crisis;" can be particularly concerned with public health, when they turn a blind eye, to so many widespread corporate concerns that are poisoning land, sea and air. Legislation protects genetically modified food producers with no need to give comprehensive labeling of food. Pesticides, herbicides and all sorts of toxic run-off from various industries is allowed into the food chain through environmental contamination. Corporations are given indemnity and are virtually untouchable in terms of culpability or accountability beyond "a slap on the wrist." "Health Canada" for years has been behind the removal of various natural products from health food shelves - none of which had harmful side-effects and many that were found helpful for a wide variety of concerns. Governments that could regulate .. do not. And now, they would proclaim to oversee a new virus on the landscape.

The wearing of masks will not protect people that have been on a long term trajectory of self-destructive behaviour. It's a band-aid intervention. More designed to create the illusion of being proactive with very little grounds to support it. Many of the "acceptable" conditions of modern society, are largely not fit, for human habitation (certainly not for healthy mind, psyche and soul) once those are compromised, physical conditions will invariably follow.  The "carrot" being offered, is a return to some semblance of "business as usual." (i.e. short term sacrifice, now will allow the return of normalcy). The status quo, is what has been breaking down immune systems, body and mind, damaging the planet that we live on and depend on - it sustains us. Masks now  - nor experimental vaccines when they are released, will not prevent humanity, from the self-harm of a continued addiction to the economic system ... so many are "Jonesing" for right this minute - so much so, they ready to do most anything for it to return. Dyed in the wool skeptics of all stripes, that wouldn't have given you a hint of confidence in government integrity, transparency etc. are now convinced, these leaders are going to "save the day?" Why? Largely because they can't conceive of a world without their "fixes." Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying a major shakedown would be in anyway comfortable - but it doesn't mean it's not necessary and, no paper mask is going to prevent it from coming.

A return to 60 hr. work weeks, regular access to Walmart & "Best Buy" and season tickets to whomever, will not prevent the multitude of factors that were contributed to humanities "11th hr." possibilities (pre-Covid). Start to make some meaningful change on these fronts, and perhaps there might commence to be seen some credibility, in "leadership," regarding the well-being of it's citizens.

And I will still maintain that experts, leaders, group-mind and social agreement should never be allowed to over-ride personal conscience & compass. There has never been a more important time to listen "in" - and follow your gut. If it doesn't seem right - no matter how many are indulging in it, it is not right.

A lifetime of acquiescing, soul-selling & people-pleasing, could well be accentuated by a life changing stand, Now! It's never too late.

R. O'Neill (May 31, 2020) 

Monday, 18 May 2020


What is 
The future
First dates
A world

The question
Whether to 
Hold hands
Nervous anticipation
That first kiss
New world

Will be
Of that!!"

If anyone
Such things
Question such things?

Will the 
With bewilderment
The Plexi-glass 
Visiting day
At the 

"see" you
You are 
Out of 
To me...
Looking glass
It forbade's   
The faintest

Just a moment 
That mask
Oh so 

Be sure
They were

That will 
The extent
It doest 
Claim residence
The plight
The plentitude?

Has it 
A magnanimous 
The invisible
Has become
The visible
To see
Mask & shield

To face
The naked
The world


I may 
Begin again?

Introduce myself

R. O'Neill (May 18, 2020)