Monday, 29 February 2016

For All Things a Season

I do not grieve
what you know I've lost
I walk eyes within heart
Training awakened sensitivity
Upon threads you cannot see
Which I deemed forbidden
Or unspeakable, even to me

What then must die that I live completely?
Did you imagine that freedom
Achieved walking through the enshadowed valley
Might then be a painless renewal?

A reflective nod to your tinsel clad holiday
An approaching darkened Solstice
Invites a sacred introspection
Though I will not deny you - your cup of cheer
Neither can I desecrate upon my heart's threshold
Which even now prepares to offer
A soul sought illumination

Will this then happen
Within the 12 days of song and lore?
I think rather
The light is encoded within the darkness
The gift
Will then dispense
Both cloak & shroud
When the season calls it hence!

Father's Day Musings

I am a wash in a stew of mixed emotions on this day. I may never know who my biological father is, I know without question his (& therefore mine) lineage originates in the North of Ireland so I honour my ancestors and offer a soul-felt blessing to all those in my homeland that have lost fathers (brothers, sons, grandsons, nephews) I pray that the day will come when no one will ever again be subject to the most profound soul pain brought about through cultural assimilation. There is no pain like the loss of identity. It is with gratitude that I acknowledge the call my ancestors reaching from beyond to awaken my soul and remind me of who I am - the wounds in my heart then, have provided the portal through which is revealed my true identity and a connection to creation itself.

As for my adopted father - as he now resides in "elder care" the seeds of dementia taking root, intent on making a mockery of what life he has left. I acknowledge the grief that envelopes me for the man I never really knew and that will soon disappear behind the veils of "psychosis." I release the stories that I have long held, which served to reduce the man (both he & I) to reveal the ever present love prevailing.

I give thanks to both my fathers, acknowledging whatever soul agreements we might have made, for without knowing the utter despair and anguish, the ever present turmoil, the cauldron of rage and ancestral amnesia - I could not possibly have developed the compassion and empathy for those that suffer nor the soul-driven stand to be a man of peace.

I pray for the reconciliation of the irreconcilable, the forgiveness of the unforgiveable and for men everywhere to remove themselves from the self-created corridors of irrelevancy and to stand firmly, love ferociously and to uphold the divine identity that is their birthright.

Peace, Namaste, Shalom, Salaam, Om Shanti

Wait for It

How then to extract the extraordinary
Contained within what might be considered mundane
If one were to allow themselves
To be lulled into believing
That while in the embrace of the ordinary
That sleep was the desired outcome
For subtly but surely
Magnificence is being forged
Ready to stake it’s claim
In what many would be quick to presume
Was the witnessing,
Of an “overnight success”
Dismissed as a “flash in the pan”
Little did they know
The energy, attention and focus
To light the fuse.