I do not grieve
what you know I've lost
I walk eyes within heart
Training awakened sensitivity
Upon threads you cannot see
Which I deemed forbidden
Or unspeakable, even to me
What then must die that I live completely?
Did you imagine that freedom
Achieved walking through the enshadowed valley
Might then be a painless renewal?
A reflective nod to your tinsel clad holiday
An approaching darkened Solstice
Invites a sacred introspection
Though I will not deny you - your cup of cheer
Neither can I desecrate upon my heart's threshold
Which even now prepares to offer
A soul sought illumination
Will this then happen
Within the 12 days of song and lore?
I think rather
The light is encoded within the darkness
The gift
Will then dispense
Both cloak & shroud
When the season calls it hence!
what you know I've lost
I walk eyes within heart
Training awakened sensitivity
Upon threads you cannot see
Which I deemed forbidden
Or unspeakable, even to me
What then must die that I live completely?
Did you imagine that freedom
Achieved walking through the enshadowed valley
Might then be a painless renewal?
A reflective nod to your tinsel clad holiday
An approaching darkened Solstice
Invites a sacred introspection
Though I will not deny you - your cup of cheer
Neither can I desecrate upon my heart's threshold
Which even now prepares to offer
A soul sought illumination
Will this then happen
Within the 12 days of song and lore?
I think rather
The light is encoded within the darkness
The gift
Will then dispense
Both cloak & shroud
When the season calls it hence!