Monday 31 August 2015

In Celebration - Wayne Dyer, "From Here to Eternity."

My intention on this occasion is to pay homage to a man, his teaching and presence in my life. Even though I never met him personally, this is a relationship that has outlived innumerable "real-time" connections - as I say that it raises the question for me, as to the nature of "relating" and whether it can only occur in physical proximity with they, with which, one relates.

Before I go any further - I speak of Wayne Dyer.

Over twenty-eights years ago I began what one might deem a more active quest regarding Spirituality first through the tenets of the "Twelve Steps." It of course could be said I began when I made my debut through the birth canal - some would say even before that. It wouldn't be long before what seemed to be a fair degree of license regarding the definition of "this God" was frequently reduced by many in attendance that continued pushing for one that was not far removed from the partriarchal rep from the "old testament," And even though in some cases, they indicated he could be good humoured - still when it came to smiting - "he" did so because "he" loved you, it was necessary and certainly you had it coming. I took full license with the "God as we (I) understood it...... consequently as there was little understanding at that point at all - my investigation led me to the works of sources outside "the program" this led to my introduction to Wayne Dyer, Dan Millman and Maryanne Williamson.

It would be years reconciling the spirituality spoken about in their work and the religiosity that was part of the imprinting upon me (from a variety of environments - which includes, how it has shaped attitudes and beliefs within our culture and society, even for those that claim no adherence to any variety of a "God.") I originally thought I would have had it all sorted out in relatively short order and then I could get on with my life, in case you hadn't guessed,  that vision, has undergone ongoing revision.

I can't say in the moment specifically what I have taken from the vast work and teaching Dr. Dyer made available. I remember he made reference to marketing his books out of the trunk of his car (obviously a reference to his early days of being an author) it inspired me to see realized greatness from humble beginnings. To me he is a "house-hold name" even though occasionally I mention in conversation a reference to him or another author and am surprised to discover no familiarity with the author. Even hearing some form of my explanation as to who he is - for some, via a quick sweeping dismissive statement can just reduce him to "just one of those touchy-feely self-help writers." My impression of him and his work leads me to believe he could allow each to be where they were at so that a position like that would leave him un-scathed - to me he was a shining example and advocate of doing what you loved to do and walking his talk while ignoring the "good opinions," well-meaning intentions or even the venomous diatribe of others.

I feel some sadness to hear of his passing - even though I'm sure that wouldn't be how he would suggest it be seen. It is possible "the loss" brings me more closely in touch with layers of my own grief of various origins. It is a call to action given that somewhere in the study of his work I began to nurse the idea that I might one day be a "spiritual author." I know for sure his work will live on as a form of ongoing inspiration and guidance. In this regard - he has been a significant factor in my incremental reclaiming of myself and a vision of being of service to others.

It was only a couple weeks ago that I scored a used copy of his book - "There is a Spiritual
Solution to Every Problem" It is a book I was inspired to revisit as within, in part, there is featured expanded interpretation (of Dr. Dyer's of course) of the tenets of the "Prayer of St. Francis" That provides me with the teachings of one of my teachers within the work of another. It's possible "Francis" has been influencing me far longer than Dr. Dyer.  I neither believe "Catholicism" has the monopoly on Francis or that his messages "died" along with him. On the contrary the words (as expressed through him) are part of a living stream of consciousness and he is no longer confined to the parameters of being an 12 century monk. There is then within these spiritual teaching very pragmatic living instructions. Dr. Dyer has helped me to discover the need to "translate" these principles and give them purpose and meaning in a modern day world.

Wayne Dyer's work has always expanded for me what is possible and called me to continue to seek the absolute best in myself. He has left a volume of work that can be seen as "bread-crumbs through the forest" and I would say reached the point where his "earthly garments' would just hinder his on going progress. Who then am I, to cling to anyone when the time has come for them to move on? My life is unquestionably and irrevocably changed through Dr. Dyer's work. As I eluded to in the opening, there is nothing to stop me from on-going relating - at the same time as I step more deeply into an expanded relating to myself.

Vaya Con Dios my friend!! (as if he needs that direction from me)

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