Thursday 22 September 2011

We Need a Clean Sweep!

Popular local consensus seems to indicate there is a need to get all the addicts and pushers off the streets – this aroused my curiosity – so I decided to spend some time downtown and see for myself. I must concede the rumours are true – the streets were full of addicts. If you will indulge me further I will expand upon my observations.
Now I state up front I am no more qualified to make this assessment that anyone else – it just so happens I have some time on my hands. I know there may well be those that are actually more qualified to fulfill this purpose, but they are too busy working and as far as I have been able to determine the rationale largely supported by our cultural consciousness, is that they are doing so to support the economy.

So to kick off my list, imagine how much elbow room we could create on our streets if we cleared out all those addicted to the consumer economy (you know who you are, you pay for a membership at a big box outlet, so that you can line up to get in – load your wagon full of stuff your not sure you need but it was “such a good deal” then you line up to pay for it and line up once again to get out the door). This may be one of the gravest addictions I have observed – people are truly pathological in their pursuit – they can be heard uttering in a zombie like trance “I owe – I owe so off to work I go” all the while largely holding the work and everyone they work with in contempt (as evidenced by the moments of truth witnessed at the annual staff Christmas party). Anyone that isn’t behaving in kind is vilified (“I resent my tax dollars going to support these vagrants”) it is the height of hypocrisy – the same person can be heard ranting about the criminals in government taxing them to death – but then it comes right around full circle – “well at least I’m supporting the economy”. Doesn’t matter what their doing – as long as they are working - could be building hand grenades or producing pesticides or napalm somehow that is preferable to someone that isn’t be paid for their work but are working nonetheless – trying to for example, save a stand of old growth trees, some rare caves (sacred burial sites) or trying to protect one of the many endangered species.

Once one becomes enslaved to the addiction of consumption – all forms of inhuman behaviour and attitudes come into play, this violence and acts of cruelty are supported by all levels of government and people from all ends of the socio-economic spectrum. As for the pushers, well can you just imagine the difference in the skyline if absent were the myriad of big box retail outlets that continue to supply the addicted with their next fix. Surely it must be getting close to the tipping point – it seems people have so much stuff that they have to purge their homes, leaving the previous stuff - that once was imperative to have - out on the lawn hoping that some one that is perhaps more conscious of the philosophy of recycling will come along a take it away.

Go out on a weekend and witness for yourself whole yards strewn with stuff – with people fighting over it – so that the can take it home thereby creating the need to purge their own home. Listen up here people – forget going out and paying retail for more new stuff – just go out your front door, stand on your porch – wave to your neighbor across the street and then arrange a time to swap the contents of your respective houses. Next year repeat the process with the neighbor in the house one to the right and so on.

Next on the list would have to be all those clambering over each other to be first in-line for a coffee and of course their dealers. Now I’m not going to pick on Starbuck’s in particular (far too cliché) for the purposes of this study I am including all caffeine outlets. This can be broadened in terms of those seen in attendance, to include they whom are succumbing to multiple addictions i.e. sugar and petroleum products (and by extension their car) one need only observe the drive through line to make this correlation. While on the topic of sugar this would mean we would have to round up those that make available all those designer chocolates. Dubious about caffeine being included – I present as exhibit A: anyone of those individuals in the line –up (should they doubt that they have lost control) - demonstrate for them what happens if you should position yourself between them and the counter – if not convinced yet take an informal survey around their workplace, with regard to the quality of interaction one might expect from our subject if he/she sleeps in and doesn’t get to the java dispensary before showing up to the office – they may even be convinced at that point to organize a intervention. Finally would you just look at the prices these people are willing to pay for their drug of choice (not unlike gasoline I believe sky’s the limit – more griping for sure, but no noticeable reduction in sales). Once again those dually (or more) addicted are appeased with the likes of “double whipped – whatever –a – ccino’s at about 5000 calories per cup.

Now Joe (or Josephine) taxpayer/economy booster can frequently be heard around the water cooler pontificating about how much it is costing them (personally) to support those that so happen to use, not as widely socially acceptable, forms of drugs, one wonders if they have stopped to consider what it costs them to subsidize their (or their co-workers) 2nd triple bypass (because they “work hard for their money”) and no one is going to deny them their 20 oz. coffee drink and accompanying cream filled crispy kritter - or whatever those things the young athlete’s are always flogging in the shopping center parking lot are called.

Next, thanks to the advent all these electronic communication devices, we can link those that are addicted to their “crack-berries” (or other P.D.A’s), cell phones, laptops, cars, shopping & coffee/sugar. Use of and participation in, can be seen happening simultaneously at any major intersection – God knows (no offence intended to the atheists or agnostics) I suppose if we are sweeping the streets we better include anyone that uses as a crutch (anything or any entity) other than a crutch (should one be required to remain upright) – how they are actually in control of that motor vehicle. But don’t let the concern for public safety stand in the way of the fact that they paid taxes on all that stuff – therefore they’ll use it anyway they see fit – “it’s a free country”………………….. isn’t it? Well actually it is in as much as you are free as long as you partake in the culturally acceptable addictions (you of course are free to “scratch your itch” your own way) but all those that still believe they are in control will scapegoat you.

See they have bought into “the American Dream” (never mind they are living in Canada) they can be forgiven though as there is so little Canadian content on the T.V.S they are addicted to how can they be blamed for this influence – besides – is there even a Canadian dream in existence? Work hard; pay your taxes, save your money (can you start to see where the wheels start to leave the rails?) then eventually you’ll be able to retire to a life of leisure. So my second to last addiction on the list is to the afore mentioned illusion. Last but not least, to short circuit the need to spend a lifetime pursuing the dream just keep buying those lottery tickets?

Well now imagine how I must feel to realize the state of the streets of my hometown, this is an outrage – I want all these addicts and pushers off the streets – and I want it done before the Winter Games – after all I paid my taxes.

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