Wednesday 16 March 2016

Who is That Red-faced Lunatic? (hmm.. how 'bout that it was me!)

Without question from various places and times there are bound to be people that might consider me a "talking head;" of course there are other scenarios where I have been with a group of people all engaged in a conversation and after my analysis of what has been presented and then believing I have the perfect contributory comment, the conversation changes; the result being, I remain silent.

My understanding of the term "talking head" is that it is usually reserved for pundits for whom there is a broad range of focus, which includes politics.

I make a concerted effort to not employ "labels" - having said that if one were to be chosen to give some idea where I'm concerned, I suppose it might be something like "generalist." It would follow then with regard to politics as a whole,  I'm neither a pundit or a talking head. Just the same, today, I'm pondering something that falls within the realm of politics, though it could be framed any number of other ways.

Given the upcoming election in the United States even someone like myself that is without cable and doesn't comb the daily mainstream newspapers, nor tune in to radio broadcasts can't help but become privy to some of what is going on down there.

So, how is it that a candidate that seemingly few gave any credibility as far as "going the distance," others quipped that it was likely a joke to make a point, that has unapologetically been outspoken and embodied all things "negative," if not totally offensive (except that it is not having what might be expected as the result of such belligerence) he has not withdrawn, nor been asked to withdraw - quite the opposite, he seems to been gaining huge momentum; to the point where many are suggesting he may well be the forerunner to become the leader, of one of the two parties that actually put their candidate in the Whitehouse. I speak of course of Donald Trump.

I'm not going to spend anytime analyzing him or attacking his character - my only curiosity is, how is this possible?

Nothing is black and white, knowing this I don't wish to over-simplify, but neither is the scope of this post intended to be comprehensive enough as to cover all considerations. I believe that part of the answer lies in that there are enough people with similar consciousness, they may well never be as overt in it's expression, but just the same Trump has plenty of money which gives him a certain amount of leverage, but he wouldn't continue to rise through the preliminary electoral processes without a significant number of people that are throwing their support behind him.

Fear, ignorance and a completely lack of empathy for those that represent "them" to those that rise to power by harnessing the collective mistaken beliefs of the masses (us), is not without plenty of historical precedence. So even though he advocates all kinds of violence to uphold his "vision" and he has not been run aground by his racism etc.  he is not just a lone voice in the wilderness, he represents the unexpressed rage, pain, and wounds of countless others - is presenting himself as the salve for all those individuals with festering and toxic internal worlds, who view him as some sort of messiah.

So whether he is successful at getting into office remains to be seem, meanwhile each can look at him as a mirror and ask him or herself in what ways do his ways of being, represent my own unhealed wounds, unconscious fears and limiting mistaken beliefs. If convinced there exists none of "his" more objectionable qualities what does he trigger in you - that you are ignoring and putting the blame back on him.

It's generally considered that due to widespread apathy on the part of the electorate only a small percentage of those eligible to vote actually do so. Maybe individuals like Trump come along to shake people out of their complacency.

One doesn't have to look far to see violence and intolerance playing out on "main-street" where ever your home town is. I was standing on a street corner yesterday playing guitar and singing. It happens it is a four way stop with a fifth street converging just to further make it interesting.  Due in part to widespread confusion to who actually has the right of way; being a "fly on the wall" at that intersection allows the witnessing of many a near miss, horns blaring and tempers flaring. I watched as I sang as individuals squared off across from each other after these various vehicular faux pas and continued to scream obscenities at each other and flipping each other the bird; fortunately stopping short of actually turning their vehicles into a further offensive weapon. How many of these people (Canadians) would be quick to point out the violent nature of those that reside south of the border with their "right to bear arms," completely oblivious to their red-faced intersection tirades.

The comedian "Flip Wilson" used to quip : "the devil made me do it." Though his antics and portrayal of "Geraldine" were amusing, the idea that some other being, entity or person, is responsible for my behaviour is scapegoating at best and a dangerous psychological slight of hand at worst.

I personally have no power to "change" Donald Trump - individually each can only change themselves.  I'm thinking that someone like Trump will stop presenting and making waves when enough people say no that is not okay - this is what we want. Then again - maybe once he's come and gone there will be someone else with a similar or even worse world view; whose presence will provide enough contrasting energy that a more inspiring leader will be spawned.

 After all, doesn't each become more clear about what they want after experiencing enough of what they don't want. Perhaps enough motivation for each, to polish there own stone.

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