Thursday 18 August 2016

It's a Start!

"Start at the very beginning - a very good place to start.." so crooned the Von Trapp family. As I consider this musical directive I'm impressed by the truth of it.

A beginning must be embraced regardless of: lack of knowing, lack of direction, or any number of additional potential detergents. It is only then; once under way, that the innate grace held within beginning itself, is revealed.

Planning a start, talking about it, reading about it, none are the necessary linchpin to initiate the flow of grace. If there was ever a test of trust/faith; I suppose it comes into play, when called upon to make a beginning.

I don't imagine there ever will come a time; regardless of sheer numbers of written works, where I am not thrust to the realms of beginner; when faced with the blank page or screen. The weight of or resistance to, taking the ship from the safe haven of the harbour; can either be an adventure or a daunting barrier. I generally don't know where "its" going, when (or if) I begin. However, a life force of its own is set in motion (perhaps the force of life itself) once a beginning is undertaken.

Life is clamouring for expression through each of us; in some way, shape or form. Creation calling for new beginnings perhaps with each breath. Impermanence inviting rebirth; as entropy cyclically advances toward death of the old, in order to make room for the ongoing change.

To thwart the beginning then, is to run interference with life itself. Having said that, just as it is often cited as being ill-advised to "push the river," even though it's not entirely plausible, building dams upon the river (of life) is apt to be detrimental as well.

Failure to realize a particular vision does not render the beginning fruitless. Just as it is said that there is value in any sort of journey (not just the arrival at the destination); so it is with beginnings. There might be numerous untold "side excursions" along the way; all with their own value and impact, upon the overall journey.

I'm not much for video games. Some of that would be due to my belief that the violent nature of many of them, has no place as a form of "entertainment." My analogy concerning video games would stem from my meagre knowing of some of the earlier generation games. As I recall, in order to complete any given level; one needed to jump this, and dodge that; then collect these particular keys in order to open certain locks, to gain passage etc. I am then suggesting a similar unfolding where it comes to making a beginning and whatever then, presents upon the path, along the way.

Immediate gratification will not always be the result. This neither makes the beginning flawed or the pursuit a failure. Even repeated failure in and of itself, doesn't have to spell the end or become the "cause" of future hesitancy to start anew.

                                                    "THE END"

cue the orchestral montage signifying the next : BEGINNING

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