Thursday 22 September 2016

Season(ed) To Perfection

What will the fallen leaf count be,
Before you recognize it is Autumn?
Though you might create,
Through the power of visualization,
Even still to stem the tide of changing seasons,
Continued evasion will be your lot.
Whitened knuckles
Aching with the misguided veracity,
Nonetheless will come up empty-handed.

Escalating effort required to sustain the deception,
A mercenary, tasked with the assassination of acceptance.
Have you tallied the cost?

Potent energies seeking direction,
Speak in whispered hints,
Within the chambers of your heart.

Do you hear them?
Are you listening?

Do you care to hear them?
Have you heard from them recently?

What did they say?

Oh yes you can!
Let's be clear!

There is no "can't" - without your permission.

Therefore, welcome to "Won't"

Just the same, no "crime" has been committed.

A beneficial distinction to make is all.

There will be no eternal damnation,
Beyond that which you evoke,
From within & upon yourself.

Yes there will be change.
Indeed "everything" has its season."

Each will transpire with your curse, blessing or denial.

Consult your almanacs, barometers or magic eight balls,
None will provide a calendar nor GPS,
With the assurance of personal attunement,
That will better that of your heart.

Heed or Ignore.
Pass or Play.

Keys to freedom,
Possess the capacity to incarcerate.

No Ultimatum!
Though indeed consequences.

Will you allow your mind,
To Honour the call,

The season of your heart?

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