Monday 12 December 2016

Can I Help You? (Many thanks, why yes you can!!)

Well.. the journey has begun. Of course when hasn't the journey been in progress? I was given a ride to the ferry by my friend and former wife and her partner. The beauty of this (besides one less bus ride) was I got dog blessings all the way to the ferry terminal. There was the Irish Wheaton Terrier (Sadie) that I use to co-habitate with and The Labra-doodle (Belle). Sadie seemed to believe I needed a head clearing as she kept sticking her nose on the back of my neck; while Belle was doing some "paws" on healing giving me alternatively one, then the other front paw to hold on to.

The ferry ride was relaxing - I had already eaten while waiting to board. I had some stuff to finish up from my fridge.  I sat near a young women that was engrossed in her electronics; so no conversation, but we traded off baggage security favours. I shared some of my mini mandarin oranges with her and then got back into my book.

When the arrival announcement was sounded I made a bee-line for the lower deck. I was given a tip to do so rather than disembark at the foot passenger ramp to save time getting to the bus to begin the transport/connection process of getting into Richmond. Apparently those that have been on board with their pets gather and walk off; so I was to "join" them. I was the first to arrive down there and began to think I look a little conspicuous - what with having "no dog." Besides that, I was standing right in front of the two rows of motor vehicles that would soon be keen to disembark. At the beginning of the cue were all the buses.

I was relieved that I was soon joined with more people and there pets! Which you guessed it, meant more dog blessings!! We docked that ramp was lowered and the gate was released for us to leave. We were steered toward a pathway that both got us out of the road and was solid asphalt versus the metal grating of the main road way. The ferry workers warned people to not have their dogs walk across as their legs could slip through.

So I'm leader of the pack now, once all the dog owners peeled off to the left (as they weren't catching a bus). Only problem with heading the procession is, it's of no particular advantage, when you don't know where you are going. I slowed down some and let another women catch up - I asked her, "where am I going, for the bus. She explained I could go the way she is about to go, or she's seen others going a slightly different route (which she didn't know the reason for or outcome of) so I chose the tried and true!

I asked her some questions re: fares etc. she says, "oh I don't know, I'm not catching the bus." Nevertheless angel number one got me fourth from the front of that cue. While I'm standing there I'm sorting some change as I know from reading online it's one of two cost and "exact change" is required. I'm nattering to the couple behind me and then angel number two pipes up, if you go in over there and buy a single trip ticket - it will get you on this bus and then the skytrain after (had I paid the driver I would have still needed to purchase something at the next terminal). Life I maintain (in fact God) is in the details. Of course this might be partly due to my seeing the world through a Virgo lens. Remember that next time I'm spinning a story that has you on the verge of a comma. Simple things - but they make a difference in the flow - that's one very crowed bus on which I got a seat!

Budda bing ... budda bong.... we're at the next terminal.... "I'm asking ... now I have to swipe to leave to?? Yup... then through various gates... tap and the gates open unto you!!

The skytrain terminus was directly across from a mall that had right in front of me a branch of one of the credit unions I "bank" at - so in for some quick cash. Found the facilities and then "customer service" found me my hotel.

I refreshing walk there - revealed that on the opposite corner was Ceilidhs "Irish Pub" (and I thought I was just booking this hotel because it was close to the airport!!) Soon there after I learned there is a Celtic cross in town (I'm sure the ancestors would not want me to miss that). This led to another brisk walk to the cross and then back to the pub for a delicious Veggie burger and yam fries, complemented  with a "kick-ass" Virgin Caesar.

When I returned I took care of my a.m. airport shuttle booking and clarified my morning exit strategy. When I showed up at the breakfast area - I stood perplexed at the cereal canisters. Two of three had a knob at the bottom that you spun to fill your bowl. The canister of the one I wanted was "knob-less."

As I studied this a moment looking for some secret latch - a hotel employee observed me and came over. "It's broken, just a minute please." She left and came back with a large ladle to scoop cereal from the top. While she was there she refreshed my memory on those "complimentary breakfast - waffle irons." Alright - got it!! Thank you!!

Today - I got to the airport really early!! I was checking through with people for the flight ahead of mine!! I toasted the fellow behind me as I drank my water, before getting to security. I then joked with him, "just so I don't become, "that guy" and then you're behind me - would you mind giving me a few clarifications while were way back here in the line?" He laughed and happily gave me the info.

The fact of the matter is - there's a very good chance I will be - "that guy," however I am delighted to re-experience just how helpful people can, want and are helpful.

I don't know about anyone else - but I can read the guidelines until I'm blue in the face and it's not as impactful as some simple in the moment guidance (delivered from a live being!!)

Makes me wonder how much value there is in reading things like "scriptures" - it just might be, that the live version of those is indeed God, as delivered through the presence of all those earth-bound angels along the way!!

Post script - written very quickly while waiting for a plane (no time to edit - I'm going to see about some food) - so I'm not that guy!! (last to board the plane).

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