Monday 18 June 2018

Change The Things You Can

As I continue with the exploration of Desiderata:

The next line reads:

"Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit."

Vexation is defined as: "the state of be frustrated, annoyed, worried.

Certainly I don't have to look far to encounter "loud and aggressive" people - I work casually in a residential care/rehab setting - health care is a cornucopia of dysfunctional people & contrary to what you might think, often the lion's share are among the staff.

People who are far too identified with their position in an arbitrary hierarchy and who have an inflated sense of their own importance, based on illusory power within a union work environment. This doesn't begin to address what they might have "been through" in their lives which has formed their persona. 

No question extended exposure to some of these folks is the epitome of "vexation." My short term strategy is spend only as much time in their company as necessary. I get away from the floor on my breaks and get some fresh air and/or read something uplifting. The last thing I want to do is spend my break in a staff room where the collective comes together and turns the air toxic in moments.

The longer term solution is going to be get myself out of there. I was away from it, while I travelled for 6 months - coming back, made me aware of how desensitized I'd become while I was working there more regularly and how undesirable it is to be back there.

It's not immediately clear what the alternative is, but it's clear one must be sought/created. Life is too short for this malarky.

Having said that, and from the other side of the coin. Reading this reminds me, that my acting out in loud and aggressive ways, is a vexation to someone else's spirit (quite likely my own as well). The searchlight of my assessment; most certainly must shine upon and within me, as well. Truly the wisdom attained from such writing as Desiderata, is far more powerful, when one applies it to themselves.

There is nothing to be gained by my dwelling on the perceived short-comings of anyone one else. But it is up to me to learn to look after myself in the presence of these loud and aggressive sorts; optimally without meeting their aggression with the same energy.

There in lies the challenge and for me, the healing path.

R. O'Neill (June 18, 2018)

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