Saturday 16 June 2018

Speak Up & Listen Deeply

The Desiderata goes on to say:

"Speak your truth quietly & clearly; and listen to others, even the dull & the ignorant; they too have their story."

Once again their is attention drawn to the need for each to speak their truth. I know in my life I have lamented "not being heard" .. but further analysis revealed that I didn't necessarily ensure my voice was heard. This is a spoke on the wheel of my reticence to take responsibility over all. After all is the end result - "I wasn't heard," based in you're not listening - or me either not speaking or taking measures to make sure I was heard. Will I fall on silent scorn and feeling wounded - if "told" to be quiet - or will I stand in my power and refuse to silenced?

On this matter (as it indicates here) the truth can be spoken "quietly and clearly." In other words there is no need to yell. Certainly I have resorted to such tactics - on occasion when I believed my voice was falling on "deaf ears." Trust me, turning up the volume does nothing to be heard. It is my experience that a clear expression of my truth can practically be said at a whisper - such is the power and presence of the truth. It will find it's mark without the need to beat someone else over the head with it. It won't necessarily change anyone else's point of view nor their behaviour (and isn't meant to). My actions and decisions are to be based on what is true for me. It is not necessary that anyone else "agrees" with what I'm doing. It is beneficial to me that it be clear where I stand. I'm not trying to convince anyone else.

Next there is the supposition that others be "heard" as well. That their truth is equally important. I suppose the reference to and framing some as being "dull & ignorant" - is to emphasize that everyone has something to say -worth hearing. And that they certainly are (no matter who they are) entitled to be listened to.

I would caution the kind of judgment that would label anyone "dull & ignorant" in the first place. To cast someone in such a negative light and then in turn use that as a justification to ignore them is not okay. I would suggest that such a practice would be more indicative of the arrogance of the one doing the judging than any accurate appraisal of the one being judged.

There is no just cause to deem anyone "dull or ignorant" and certainly not to conclude they have no life experience, current views or visions for the future that could be of great value to any discussion.

They get up in the morning, put their pants on (assuming they wear pants) one leg at a time; the sun shines equally upon them, and if the two of you stand in the rain - I don't care who you are, you will get wet.

If you are so enraptured with what you perceive to be your own gifts (and believe that some how gives you an elevated status over others) this hierarchy exists only between your ears; further if it is then supposed to be just cause, to refuse to even be curious about, the gifts of another - you might consider acknowledging these gifts you wear like a badge - with a modicum of grace and gratitude. Chances are you've done little or nothing to develop them - so what makes you think, you deserve some special recognition.

Those that cast dispersions and judgement upon others are the true embodiment of dull and ignorant. It serves no useful purpose to single them out. It does merit an ongoing self-assessment for any behaviour such as this from myself. I am fully aware of the pain such behaviour causes and that is not how I want to present in the world or the contribution I wish to make.

R.O'Neill (June 16,  2018)

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