Sunday 28 February 2016

Flight or Fancy?

The trees, which skirt the base of the mountain, conceal the soon required effort that will be necessary to gain the perspective of the pinnacle.
The trail begins in a welcoming fashion. I’m soon warm within its embrace, each subsequent step infused with the energy of the ages, graciously provided through the earth beneath my feet.
Once the ascent path is chosen it soon becomes apparent that splendor from the peak will not be made available without something of an investment on my part.
Though an autumn squall is stirring around the mountain I am not deterred, choosing rather to allow this to further enrich the experience. Exhilaration is now my companion as I am buffeted by the full strength of the wind, the driven rain bites at my cheeks like the swat of a needled palm.
Though anticipating the destination, I was completely engaged in the journey, senses awash in the myriad of sensations afforded me having requested of the mountain to share with me it untold gifts.
The summit came into view in what seemed like no time, my heartbeat now synchronized with the crescendo of the wind song as it reverberated off the mountainside and stirred the treetops into a cacophony of voices.
The panorama was breathtaking – but first, sheltered from the elements I sat quietly to touch the stillness within.  As I consciously sought contact with the source of all that is I took time to pay homage to all those who have come before me, who walked these lands that surrounded me and whose spirits continue to reside there. I asked that I might be allowed access to the collective wisdom so as to inform my life while still walking Mother earth.
Upon rising and turning to face the opposite side of the mountain there was a dance commencing that was a joy to behold. Against the backdrop of the valley – a blanket mosaic of autumn colours the sunlight filtered through the mist, meanwhile a troupe of black winged dancers, utilizing the energy of the wind performed an overhead ballet. The display at times was near enough that their feathers appeared iridescent. I marveled at their ability to transform the awesome power of the wind and turn the sky into their personal playground and at the same time humbled to be in their presence and grateful to bare witness to the show. Though captivated by the spectacle unfolding before me I became at the same time acutely aware of the limitations of my present earthly form. I closed my eyes and asked if I might be allowed to experience in someway this freedom – at once I was one with the dance – first lifted ever higher toward the infinite heavens and then in an instant plummeting toward the earth spiraling ever downward the valley floor rushing up to meet us.  The dive was abruptly halted, with a sight turn of the wing, the full force of an incoming gust of wind was utilized to catapult us once again skyward until the warm air rising off the mountainside was captured on outstretched wings allowing us to soar effortlessly above the tapestry of emerald green. Occasionally a brief respite upon the outstretched limb of a tree afforded a view of the remaining members of the troupe as they continued with their aerobatics. Then with exquisite timing the treetop haven is abandoned just as the next vortex of rising air rushes through and launches us at breakneck speed toward the stratosphere the thrill of the flight exceeded only by the ecstasy of the expansive perspective of Mother Earth, arms outreaching welcomingly ready to embrace us once again upon our return.
The transition from aerial-acrobat back to the mortal form that would now carry me back down the mountain was a blend of exhilaration and sadness, after all my afternoon hike had brought me in touch with limitless possibility and that was thought I, coming to an end.
I thanked my learned teacher for the experience of unbridled spirit and all those past and present that have contributed to my ongoing awakening.
I believe they sensed my hesitancy to leave – as I turned to go I was heartened by their parting message “the freedom you seek is yours for the asking – what are you waiting for?
To think I had earlier considered staying home for a nap!

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