Thursday 4 February 2016

Write-fully So!

Well now, where will the labyrinthine "windmills of my mind" take me through this portal the page? For starters, to me infinitely exciting, I have completed my book! Now having said that, I can't say that it won't be subject to some revision, but just the same a project of long-standing..... did I say project? I believe I should say, a long-standing relationship is turning a corner! What a journey this has been - I suppose I thought at one time given the book features a self-exploratory practice in the guise of examining the "sacred" through the daily walking of a labyrinth was the length and breadth of the journey in and of itself. Little did I know that while true, the writing of the book would yield a journey within or would that be, super-imposed upon, the original journey. Where the hell did this "journey" start anyway? Hmm.... I was born in 1959...... (just kidding, no autobiography will be forth-coming).

Of course like any journey of personal evolution even this doesn't mark "completion" though trust me I am going to allow myself to celebrate the bee-jeesuz out of this phase, knowing full well it segues to the beginning of the next phase which is to navigate the world of publishing and educate myself in order to get this puppy off my computer and in print out there is some ways, shapes and forms.

It would take another book to delineate the myriad of life events that have transpired since I began this but the actual "Practice" that spawned the journal, that went on to become the book, began on October 25,2011. As I write this blogpost it, as is true for the book completion, both are taking place on my 3rd Mac laptop computer. One was unceremoniously stolen (perhaps the fodder for another story one day- then again, maybe not) the second one largely ceased it's usefulness for anything beyond a paperweight - though I suspect the computer hospital that diagnosed it's demise and offered to recycle it's earthly remains, could probably resurrect it far more inexpensively than I could have. Nevertheless, that led to the purchase of yet another computer. Might I add that said replacements have taken place through a period of my life that isn't necessarily "on paper" some of my peak income years. On this occasion I have included the "Apple care" extended warranty - as well as purchased a padded carrying case so that this computer is not as vulnerable to the riggers of back pack transport. A few lessons learned from the journey within the journey within.........

The other thing I am infinitely grateful for is having back ups - that has proved to be invaluable during this game of musical computers.

On a somewhat different note - with a perfunctory nod to "pun intended" the wheels got turning today with regard to this "staying the course" while I was busking. I happened to brush my hand along the body of my guitar while adjusting the way it was hanging after finishing a song and I noticed the top of the guitar is separating from the body. Now while I sometimes romanticize about playing this guitar until it's "dust" and this is now the second time this crack has appeared, it just reminds me of the journey one experiences in the development of a particular passion. I haven't actually decided where this musical saga is heading, I neither wish to limit it, nor have I a well defined vision of it's expansion. I just know I love to do it! I have had numerous guitars many quite expensive, none has been "played" like this one. In fact I have a beautiful nylon string Taylor guitar at home - that I may or may not keep. I really feel like this now wounded guitar of mine is both embodying part of my soul's journey while being the vehicle through which part of it is evolving and being expressed. This could not occur without "time in the saddle." I glued this guitar once, I will try and repair it again, I suspect it might be due in part to playing outdoors in the high humidity and though I don't put it anywhere near a heater indoors -still, being subject to the changes in temperature or even some swelling from absorbing moisture might be enough to pop the seal. I have been busking now for about three years - within that time the frequency ebbs and flows. I have enjoyed the luxury of having reflected to me from people that have heard me on the streets over the years the reflection that my playing and singing is undergoing a metamorphosis and in a positive direction. Now, I love to share music and I love to sing - but I'm not sure I could keep putting it out there if I wasn't getting some positive reviews. Though with busking - you can go unacknowledged quite frequently, all part of the milieu of personal development (not to mention the fascinating study of humanity through people watching).

Though I've had a guitar around for years, sometimes multiple instruments, I don't think while playing at home by myself, I ever broke a string. During my performances this is not an infrequent occurrence. Now this along with any number of reasons (real or imagined) could be cause for quitting! Just as readily, bringing some extra strings along ensures, with a short delay in the performance, that "the show indeed does go on."

I have no idea whether either my writing or my music has been subject to the proverbial 10,000 hrs. (or days) or whatever it is that the "human performance" gurus suggest is necessary to hone your craft. I don't even know how much is required or if necessary at all (i.e. prodigies etc.) and at what point does one attain "mastery;" I can say that repetition certainly lends to the development of greater and greater proficiency, while at the same time, the self undergoes some form of transformation as well. Both are inextricably woven within the other. Neither would occur without perseverance which of course would not be fatal (well it could be to whatever your chosen passion is) and there is not even a hint of what is in store, when you begin.

Whether it's broken or stolen computers - write on! Whether cracked guitars, snapped strings, wind, rain, hail, sleet, ceremonial avian blessings from above, public accolades or disdain....... sing like they're listening and one day they just might be!

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